Intercenter loans
The service of loan Intercenter allows apply for to send books and audiovisuals between libraries.
Who can apply for this service
Members of the University of Navarra (students, professors, researchers and staff), as well as invited visitors, alumni.
Which subject of materials can be apply for
Monographs and audiovisuals. Excluded are microforms, vinyls, works from reference letter (dictionaries, encyclopedias, etc.), works from Archive, magazines, newspapers, bibliography recommended and the entire collection of the Library Services of Edificio Alumni (Madrid).
How to apply for works
From UniKathrough the option Obtain/apply for, indicating the pick-up location.
When and where to pick them up
An email will be sent to applicant when they are available. They can be picked up at the counters of the Central and Science libraries, at the Customer Service Point of the School of Architecture, at the Alumni Building (Madrid) and at the Library Services of Tecnun (San Sebastian). Submissions to CIMA-CUN are received by internal mail. Journal articles are sent by e-mail.
How they are returned
They can be refund at the counters or in the mailboxes. In the case of CIMA-CUN they can be returned by internal mail.
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