Historia de la facultad

History of the School


  • 1965

    Creation of the high school of Sciences of the Education (ICE)

    Although the School of Education and Psychology was not born until 2013, its origins date back to 1965 with the creation of the high school de Ciencias de la Education (ICE).

    ICE provided courses and programs for family counselors and teachers.

    Creation of the high school of Sciences of the Education (ICE)
  • 1972

    First thesis at Education

    On June 28, 1972, Professor José Luis González-Simancas, the first director and one of the promoters of the ICE, defended the first thesis at Education of the University. It was directed by Emilio Redondo.

    First thesis  at Education
  • 1974/1975

    Section of Life Sciences Education

    In the 74/75 academic year, the Section of Sciences of the Education was created in the School of Philosophy and Letters. In the 1980s, three Departments were created within the Section: Fundamental Pedagogy, History of the Education and Didactics and Orientation.

    Section of Life Sciences Education
  • 1994/1995

    Bachelor's Degrees in Pedagogy and Psychopedagogy

    In the 1994/95 academic year, the Pedagogy and Psychopedagogy degrees were launched. The new offer professor implied the constitution of two new Departments, which included the three previous ones; two years later, they merged into one.

    Bachelor's Degrees in Pedagogy and Psychopedagogy
  • 2007/2008

    programs of study from Education and Master's Degree in Educational and Psychological Intervention

    In the 2007/2008 academic year, the University also opted for the programs of study of Education in its offer of postgraduate program and launched the Master's Degree in Educational and Psychological Intervention.

    programs of study from Education and Master's Degree in Educational and Psychological Intervention
  • 2009/2010

    Master's Degree in faculty Compulsory Secondary Education and high school diploma, VET and Language teaching

    What until then was the Pedagogical Adaptation Course (CAP), which qualified for secondary school teaching , became in the 2009-2010 academic year the Master's Degree in Compulsory Secondary Education faculty and high school diploma, FP and language teaching .

    Master's Degree in faculty Compulsory Secondary Education and high school diploma, VET and Language teaching
  • 2013


    On December 18, 2013, the School of Education and Psychology was constituted with two new Departments. The Degrees in Magisterio de Education Infantil and Magisterio de Education Primaria came under the new School.

  • 2014

    programs of study of Psychology

    In September 2014, the programs of study Psychology began at School .

    programs of study of Psychology
  • 2016/2017

    International high school diploma International (IB)

    In the 2016-17 academic year, the School partnered with the International Baccalaureate (IB) high school diploma Organization to train Master's Degree students in faculty in the IB Diploma Program.

    Subsequently, this training was offered in the two teaching Degrees .

    International high school diploma International (IB)
  • 2017

    Simulation Centre

    In 2017, the Simulation Center was created at School, a space for innovation professor that allows students from Degree and postgraduate program to perfect their academic training with extensive experience internship in a controlled and safe environment.

    Simulation Centre
  • 2017/2018

    Master's Degree of Marriage and Family

    In the 2017/18 academic year, the Master's Degree of Marriage and Family, which until then was taught by the high school of Family Sciences, was integrated into the School.

    Master's Degree of Marriage and Family
  • 2018

    New offer professor

    In 2018, the professor offering of the School was again expanded with a new doctoral program at Education and Psychology, and the Master's Degree in General Health Psychology.

    New offer professor
  • 2020

    First place in the spanish psychology residency program

    In 2020, Álvaro Mancho, former student of the first promotion of Degree in Psychology, obtained the first place in the examination for Resident Internal Psychologist (spanish psychology residency program ).

    First place in the spanish psychology residency program



The high school of Sciences of the Education (ICE) was created in 1965. Its pioneers, also promoters of the programs of study of Education within Philosophy and Letters, are the pioneers of the School of Education and Psychology.

José Luis González-Simancas arrived at the University in 1965 to start up the high school de Ciencias de la Education (ICE), of which he was the first director. He was joined by Oliveros F. Otero, David Isaacs, Ana María Navarro, Gerardo Castillo, Emilio Redondo, Javier Tourón, José Benigno Freire, Eloisa Mérida-Nicolich, Francisco Altarejos and María del Coro Molinos.

In addition, until the birth of the new School, in 2013, there were many other professors who promoted a growing research activity; and the increase of the academic programs, with the launching of the licentiate degree of second cycle in Psychopedagogy, and of the Degrees of Magisterio in Education Infantil and Education Primaria, and with the consolidation of the offer of postgraduate program. Gerardo Aguado, Aurora Bernal, Concepción Cárceles, Maica González Torres, Concha Iriarte, Sonia Lara, Javier Laspalas, Olga Lizasoain, Juan Narbona, Concepción Naval, Belén Ochoa, Alfonso Osorio, Felisa Peralta, Charo Repáraz, Sonia Rivas, Fernando Sarrais, Ángel Sobrino, Mª Ángeles Sotés, Carolina Ugarte and Carmen Urpi, among others, played an important role.

When in 2013 the School of Education and Psychology was created, Concepción Naval was appointed dean. Along with her, they formed the first board directive as vice deans, Alfredo Rodríguez Sedano and Carolina Ugarte, and Marie-Anne Reynell and Carmen Muriel, as director of development and General Manager, respectively. They, and those who have joined in these first decades of the School, are the new pioneers.



* Click on the image to learn more about the pioneers of the School   
