Aplicaciones anidadas


Visiting fellows

Aplicaciones anidadas

Investigadores visitantes tex

Visiting fellows

The School of Education and Psychology of the University of Navarra offers the possibility of carrying out research stays to people from other national and international centres.

To accommodate the needs of each researcher, three different profiles have been established:

  • researcher Visiting scholar: a lecturer from another institution who stays at School in order to fill in his or her training or to develop a research programme under the supervision or in collaboration with a lecturer from the centre.

  • researcher Visiting Postdoctoral Researcher: a doctor with a few years of experience (less than 5 years since the reading of their thesis) who carries out studies or research tasks under the supervision of a professor from the centre, with the intention of fill in their training as researcher.

  • researcher Visiting Student Researcher: doctoral student who carries out studies or research tasks under the supervision of a lecturer from the centre.



Management Assistance

Ismael Sánchez Bella Building

31009 Pamplona, Spain

+34 948 42 56 00 x 802623



How apply for admission

Please send to sec_educa_psico@unav.es:

  • Have the foreigners' formalities in order, if necessary. 

  • Have health insurance, if necessary. 

  • Acceptance of the conditions of stay at the School of Education and Psychology of the University of Navarra, by means of the signature of a document that will be provided to you.

Aplicaciones anidadas


We have been visited...

James Arthur

University of Birmingham

Director Jubilee Centre for Character and Virtues

Liam Gearon

University of Oxford

Department of Education.

Marvin Berkowitz

University of Missouri-St. Louis,

Sanford N. McDonnell Endowed Professor in Character Education Co-Director of the Center for Character and Citizenship

Marco Gemignani

Duquesne University (USA)

Associate professor

Karen Bohlin

Boston University's Center for the Advancement of Ethics and Character (CAEC)

Senior scholar

Lee Johnson

Bringham Young University


Neil Mercer

Cambridge University

Emeritus Professor of Education, Director, Oracy@Cambridge

Anne Goldsworthy


Primary Science Consultant