University experience
Our students tell you firsthand
Differentiate yourself with the practices of Diploma IB
Mariona, Paula and Cristina talk about their experience during the internships they have done in schools in Internacional, as part of the IB program. high school diploma Internacional, as part of the diploma IB.
The experience of Nerea Antoñanza
Student Nerea Antoñanzas talks about her experience at the Atena Foundation during her pedagogical internship.
The experience of Mercedes Tellechea and Ainhoa Gorraiz
Students Mercedes Tellechea, from the Double Degree in Education Primary and Pedagogy, and Ainhoa Gorraiz, from the Double Degree in Education Infant Education and Pedagogy, explain their Education internship at high school Miravalles-El Redín.
The experience of Guadalupe Caireta
Guadalupe Caireta, the Double Degree in Primary Education and Pedagogy, explains what motivated her to do her international practicum in the Philippines.
A workshop on practicum of Psychology
Students Álvaro Dominguez and Carmen Arauzo explain the cases they have presented during the Psychology Experiences workshop . This workshop, organised by the School of Education and Psychology, as a final part of the subject of Practicum, has as goal that students expose the cases they have worked on during their internships. In this way, their peers in a lower year can have a better view of what they will encounter during their internships in the near future.
Learning also from the volunteer activities
The student of 4th year of Degree in Psychology, Pablo Coll, has always volunteered. This year, he has decided to combine his programs of study of psychology with a volunteer activities of Tantaka, the Solidarity Bank of the University, with which he can continue to learn and apply the knowledge he has seen during these university years.
An activity to foster leadership, decision-making and group cohesion.
Joint Decision is an activity of the subject Group Psychology of the University of Navarra, whose goal is to promote leadership, decision-making, intergroup cohesion and communication.
The experience of Ignacio Elorza
Ignacio Elorza, student , a teacher training teacher who is studying a specialisation in Physical Education at the University of Navarra, explains what skills he has learnt in the subjects of the specialisation and his experience during his work experience at a centre educational.
How do I combine studies and sport at university?
Patricia Sobrón is a student of Degree in Psychology, and is also part of the Sports Talent Program of the University of Navarra, which encourages students to combine programs of study and sport, without affecting their performance.
In first person
Our School collaborates with national and international centres to improve its teaching and research, such as: CUN, ICS, IESE, Center for Leadership and Character Education-University of Missouri, International Baccalaureate Organisation. It also collaborates with several associations and has agreements in more than 23 countries with which academic exchanges, summer courses and research projects are managed.
In collaboration with the Core Curriculum Institute, School places special emphasis on the ethical training of our students. Due to the characteristics of the professions they will carry out in the future as educators and psychologists, our students have a great social responsibility that must be supported by a well-founded understanding of work and personal ethics.
Our students will be working in an increasingly interconnected world, and graduates who are able to interact and understand different perspectives, and who are curious about global issues, are sought after. To this end, we offer an increasingly cross-disciplinary curriculum, including the IBO Teaching and Learning certificate and the certificate Global Pathway.
This method seeks to combine university learning with social commitment. Students learn through service to the community. ApS fosters the formation of good citizens, committed to social improvement and inclusion. The practical approach of this methodology makes academic training more meaningful for students and results in much more effective and rewarding learning.