Visor de contenido web (Global)

academic staff

department of Learning and Curriculum Design

Elena Arbués

Senior Lecturer


View CV "View Elena Arbués' CV".

Araceli Arellano

Professor Contratada Doctora


View CV "View Araceli Arellano's CV".

Alvaro José Balaguer Estaña

Associate Professor


View CV "View CV of Alvaro José Balaguer Estaña".

Sarah Carrica

Professor Contratada Doctora


View CV "View Sarah Carrica's CV

Iñaki Celaya Echarri

Assistant Professor


See CV "View Iñaki Celaya Echarri's CV".

Luis Ángel Díaz Robredo

Adjunct Professor


View CV "View Luis Ángel Díaz Robredo's CV".

Roser Ferrer Xipell

teaching assistant Doctor


See CV "View Roser Ferrer Xipell's CV".

Leyre Gambra

teaching assistant Doctor


View CV "View Leyre Gambra's CV".

Laura García

teaching assistant Doctor


View CV "View Laura Garcia's CV".

Apolinar Graña Varela

Assistant Professor


View CV "View Apolinar Graña Varela's CV".

Sara Ibarrola

Professor Contratada Doctora


View CV "View Sara Ibarrola's CV".

Concha Iriarte

Senior Lecturer


View CV "View Concha Iriarte's CV".

Sonia Lara

Senior Lecturer


View CV "View Sonia Lara's CV".

Sara Magallón

Collaborating Professor


View CV "View Sara Magallón's CV".

Belén Ochoa

Senior Lecturer


View CV "View Belén Ochoa's CV".

Sonia Rivas

Senior Lecturer


View CV "View Sonia Rivas' CV".

Fernando Sarrais

Associate Professor


View CV "View Fernando Sarrais' CV".

Ángel Sobrino

Associate Professor


View CV "View Ángel Sobrino's CV".

Mª Ángeles Sotés

Senior Lecturer


View CV "View CV of Mª Ángeles Sotés".

Carolina Ugarte

Senior Lecturer


View CV "View Carolina Ugarte's CV".

Begoña Urien Angulo

Professor Contratada Doctora


View CV "View Begoña Urien Angulo's CV".

department of Theory and Methods of Educational and Psychological Research

Arantza Albertos San José

Professor Contratada Doctora


View CV "View Arantza Albertos San José's CV".

Gonzalo Alonso

Associate Professor


View CV "View Gonzalo Alonso's CV".

Aurora Bernal

Senior Lecturer


View CV "View Aurora Bernal's CV".

Dolores Conesa

Professor Contratada Doctora


View CV "View Dolores Conesa's CV".

María Contreras

Assistant Professor


Ana Costa

Professor Contratada Doctora


View CV "View Ana Costa's CV

Juan Pablo Dabdoub

Assistant Professor


View CV "View Juan Pablo Dabdoub's CV".

Jesús De la Fuente Arias

Full Professor


View CV "See Jesús De la source Arias' CV".

Luis Humberto Eudave

Assistant Professor


View CV "View Luis Humberto Eudave's CV".

Leandro Gaitán

Associate Professor


View CV "View Leandro Gaitan's CV".

Sara García González

teaching assistant Doctor


View CV "View Sara García González's CV".

Mª Carmen González Torres

Senior Lecturer


View CV "View CV of Mª Carmen González Torres".

Javier Laspalas

Associate Professor


View CV "View Javier Laspalas' CV".

Olga Lizásoain

Senior Lecturer


View CV "View Olga Lizásoain's CV".

Elkin Oswaldo Luis García

Associate Professor


View CV "View CV of Elkin Oswaldo Luis García".

Martín Martínez Villar

Associate Professor


View CV "View Martín Martínez Villar's CV".

Alfonso Osorio

Associate Professor


View CV "View Alfonso Osorio's CV

Monica Pachon Basallo

teaching assistant Doctor


View CV "View Monica Pachon Basallo's CV".

Charo Repáraz

Senior Lecturer


View CV "View Charo Repáraz's CV".

Carmen Urpi

Senior Lecturer


View CV "View Carmen Urpi's CV".

Jorge Luis Villacis Nieto

Assistant Professor


View CV "View Jorge Luis Villacis Nieto's CV".

Collaborating teachers of the School

Irene Alustiza

Collaborating Professor


View CV "View Irene Alustiza's CV".

Gonzalo Arrondo

Professor partner


View CV "View Gonzalo Arrondo's CV".

Javier Bernacer

Professor partner


View CV "View Javier Bernacer's CV".

Nerea Crespo

Collaborating Professor


View CV "View Nerea Crespo's CV".

Carmen Laspra

Collaborating Professor


View CV "View Carmen Laspra's CV".

Raquel Martin

Collaborating Professor


View CV "View Raquel Martin's CV".

Martiño Rodriguez

Professor partner


View CV "View Martiño Rodriguez's CV".

Carlos Beltramo

partner professor


View CV "View Carlos Beltramo's CV".

Professors from other UN centres

Martín Aoiz

D. in Languages


View CV "View Martín Aoiz's CV".

Jean Baptiste Guillon

Assistant Professor

Philosophy and Letters

View CV "View Jean Baptiste Guillon's CV".

Adrian Cano

Professor partner


View CV "View Adrian Cano's CV".

Juan Francisco Carias

Assistant Professor


View CV "View Juan Francisco Carias' CV".

Azucena Diez

Collaborating Professor


View CV "View Azucena Diez's CV".

Fernando Echarri

Professor partner


View CV "View Fernando Echarri's CV".

Jorge Elorza

Associate Professor


View CV "View Jorge Elorza's CV".

Tania Errasti

Professor Contratada Doctora


View CV "View Tania Errasti's CV".

Mª Carmen Erviti

Professor Contratada Doctora


View CV "View CV of Mª Carmen Erviti".

José Manuel Fidalgo

Attaché Ecclesiastical Centres


View CV "View José Manuel Fidalgo's CV".

Francisco Gallardo

Associate Professor of Ecclesiastical Centers


View CV "View Francisco Gallardo's CV".

Maria Iserte

Contributor professor


View CV "View Maria Iserte's CV".

Francisca Lahortiga

Senior Lecturer


View CV "View Francisca Lahortiga's CV".

Cristina Lopez del Burgo

Senior Lecturer


Cristina Maestro

Associated Clinic


View CV "View Cristina Maestro's CV".

Marina Martinez

Associated Clinic


View CV "View Marina Martinez's CV".

Genoveva Montoya

Associated Clinic


View CV "View Genoveva Montoya's CV".

Jose Luis Pastor

Associate Professor of Ecclesiastical Centers


View CV "View Jose Luis Pastor's CV".

Miquel Solans

Assistant Professor


See CV "See Miquel Solans' CV".

Carmela Perez-Salazar

Senior Lecturer

Philosophy and Letters

View CV "View Carmela Perez-Salazar's CV".

Maria Vallejo

Associated Clinic


View CV "View Maria Vallejo's CV".

Staff researcher in Training (PIF)

Ursula Paiva



Leyre San Martín



Carmen Sánchez Albardíaz



Leyre Abad



Miriam Cirauqui



Pablo Lizoain



Cristina Ugarte Abollado




"Stays abroad position us as ambassadors of the University of Navarra in different parts of the world."

01 | 02 | 2023

Daniela Suárez, Salvadoran, a third year student of the double Degree of Pedagogy and Education Infantile . This semester, she has decided to take the International Internship at the Birralee International School in Trondheim, Norway. He tells us a bit of his story.

Why did you choose degree program?

Teaching and being able to make an impact in the lives of others has always been my dream. This degree program has allowed me to give my all, but also to give me the opportunity to contribute to changing the lives of others. I know the potential and desire of people, especially children, to improve the world and the future. I know that this is achieved with Education which is the fundamental basis in the training of every human being. 

Why did you choose to do the Practicum International? 

Throughout my degree program, I have learned about different methodologies and educational systems. I am excited to meet, learn and experience Education in another country. In addition, I love getting to know new countries and cultures.

Why Norway? 

I chose Norway because it has one of the best Education systems in the world. Being here, I have come to appreciate Education and development from a completely different point of view. I am at Birralee International School in Trondheim. From the first day I have enjoyed the school, the students, the teachers and the atmosphere of the city. I feel very motivated to continue for the rest of the weeks. 

What added value do you think it brings to the School of Education and Psychology that students do these stays abroad?

Stays abroad position us (students) as ambassadors of the University of Navarra in different parts of the world. In addition, it is presented as an institution that prepares its students globally, to face situations outside our comfort zone. It also allows us to position our School as a center of integrity teaching , which seeks to strengthen the training of future professionals. With these stays abroad, students can develop a globalized vision of what is happening in society, in addition to transferring knowledge by exchanging experiences with peers and professors.