Latest publications of the School
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Roma youth. Challenges for their educational and social inclusion in their transition to adult life.
Conflicts in the Aristotelian inspiration of Positive Psychology
Service-Learning Potential in Citizenship and Character Education
Francisco Altarejos: the Philosophy of Education brought to life
Undergraduate Student Gender, Personality and Academic Confidence
Adolescents and leisure: development positive and transition to adulthood
Lifetime Mental Health Problems in Adult Lower Secondary Education: A Student Survey
Central neurogenetic signatures of the visuomotor integration system
Adolescents and leisure: development positive and transition to adulthood
Desire and Human Flourishing: The Joy of Doing Good and Character Education (Aurora Bernal), Moral Education as Education of Desire in Plato's Symposium (Miquel Solans) and Contemplation, Learning, and Teaching Through Love (Concepción Naval).
University teaching staff facing Service-Learning: explanatory variables
Education for entrepreneurship: a proposal for the human development
publishing house :Psychology, Technological Innovation, and Entrepreneurship
Early childhood development and education: theoretical convergences and divergences
The research of current parenting from the perspective of psychology in the USA.
The current framework of Development Education in Spain: achievements and challenges
Attachment and socioemotional competencies of faculty. State of the art 2015-2019
A cosmopolitan treatise: Lord Chesterfield's 'Letters' to his son Education
Heterosexual oral and anal sex in Kinshasa (D.R.Congo): Data from OKAPI prospective cohort
Leisure activities and alcohol consumption among adolescents from Peru and El Salvador
Measurement and Function of the Control Dimension in Parenting Styles: A Systematic Review
Attachment and socioemotional competencies of faculty. State of the art 2015-2019
Parental involvement in schools in Spain and Germany: Evidence from PISA 2015
Measurement and Function of the Control Dimension in Parenting Styles: A Systematic Review
Early childhood development and education: theoretical convergences and divergences
Committed educators What they are, what they do, why they do it and what really matters
From the global to the local in the Education of character. The case of Paraguay
Service-learning in the Spanish university system: A study based on deans' perception
Leisure activities and alcohol consumption among adolescents from Peru and El Salvador
Keys to the University and the university professor / Leonardo Polo
Heaven on earth: the mind uploading project as secular eschatology
Extended multicriteria decision analysis in diabetic macular edema. Multidex-Emd extension study
Development and validation of a questionnaire in Spanish for evaluating Facebook use
Dale Una Vuelta: Stop Porn, Start Sex
Use of Online Pornography: Compulsive Sexual Behavior or Behavioral Addiction?
Exploring virtues in a Mexican public high school of Education secondary schools
Self-Regulation Questionnaire (SRQ) in Spanish Adolescents: Factor Structure and Rasch Analysis
training socio-affective pupils and teachers through mediation and conflict resolution
Exploring virtues in a Mexican public high school of Education secondary schools
Risk of poisoning in children and adolescents with ADHD: a systematic review and goal-analysis
The development of competences in the university through service-learning.
Marisa Musaio (2016) Realizzo me stesso. Educare i giovani alla ricerca delle possibilità.
Mindfulness in art contemplation. The story of a Rothko experience
The religious conversions of mockery and truth of the Muslim monarchs in the Golden Age theatre
Confrontations between queens and valides in Spanish golden age theatre
Emotional intelligence and mindfulness: relation and enhancement in the classroom with adolescents
Quantification of matrix remodelling during H1299 lung cancer cell migration in microfluidic devices
Kinematic and kinetic patterns related to free-walking in Parkinson's disease
The journal programs of study on Education was launched in 2001. Its main objective is to contribute to the dissemination of the growing issue of original results of research , both theoretical and experimental, carried out in Spain and other countries, especially in Latin America and southern Europe.
The journal addresses the various fields of the Sciences of the Education, with a special focus on the following areas:
- basics of the Education,
- character and citizenship,
- good practices in educational intervention, and
- quality and innovation in faculty training .
To date, 40 volumes have been published (biannually, in February and October) and are indexed in numerous instructions of data, among them Web of Science (ESCI) y Scopus/SJR.