Ruta de navegación


The University offers its students and alumni an Internship Service and employment that accompanies them in their career guidance

in Spain according to QS Graduate Employability Ranking
93.18% employment rate of our graduates (Degree + master's degree)
More than 1,150 career guidance sessions per year
More than 1,300 companies recruit talent at the University per year

The University offers its students and alumni an Internship Service and employment that accompanies them in their career guidance

in Spain according to QS Graduate Employability Ranking
93.18% employment rate of our graduates (Degree + master's degree)
More than 1,150 career guidance sessions per year
More than 1,300 companies recruit talent at the University per year

Aplicaciones anidadas


One of the priorities of the School of Education and Psychology is to promote the professional development of its students. contact Its goal is to provide students and graduates with a first contact with the professional world and a correct employment rate.

Throughout the degree program the students will have the opportunity to receive career guidance, training in professional competences and preparation to pass selection processes.


management, organisation and management of psycho-pedagogical counselling centres.

management, organisation and direction of Departments of guidance of educational centres.

design and coordination of attention to diversity in schools

design and coordination of adult programmes Education

Management activities and management in centres of teaching and educational institutions

Inspection and pedagogical counselling in the education administration

assessment of education systems, institutions and policies

design and assessment of didactic and technological resources

Pedagogical advice in publishing houses and on training on-line

management, organisation and management of family counselling centres

management of Departments of human resources in companies (selection of staff, diagnosis of needs design and management of training programmes).

design and management of programmes within associations and NGOs (development local, socio-cultural animation, Education environmental).

design and management of programmes for social services (leisure time, job orientation, senior citizens, ethical minorities, social exclusion).

Public and private mainstream and specific schools and colleges, from kindergarten to secondary school.

Associations and organisations that promote the training of people with physical and/or cognitive disabilities. 

classroom Hospital. 

Penitentiary institutions. 

Companies producing Materials didactic .

Hospitals and mental health centres 

Specialised centres of various kinds

Private offices and consultations 

Guidance support for educational and teaching centres, as well as special Education centres. 

Foundations, organisations and psychoeducational work with adults

Departments of Human Resources in companies and in external and independent consultancies. 

Legal and procedural: In family and juvenile courts, as well as in prisons and in expert's offices.

Social Psychology: For intervention with minors at social risk, drug addicts, people with addictive behaviours, care for the elderly, ethnic minorities, etc.

Sport psychology: In educational centres, sports centres of high performing, sports teams, health centres and leisure and free time centres. research of consumer behaviour: The power and repercussions of marketing, as well as the influence of advertising on people's final behaviour.

boton-Testimonios de nuestros antiguos alumnos

Aplicaciones anidadas


Aplicaciones anidadas



For our students and graduates

We accompany students and graduates of the University in the development of their professional career; we facilitate their first contact with the professional world and their integration into the labour market; and we respond to our commitment to the transfer of talent to society.

What do we offer?

  1. career guidance through the manager Internship and employment that attends each School and School.

  2. Employability and careertraining development : face-to-face and online.

  3. Virtual fairs and other recruiting events.

  4. Portal of employment of the University: platform for access to internship and job offers.

  5. Networking with companies and/or alumni through various activities.

  6. Management of curricular and extracurricularinternships.

Aplicaciones anidadas



For companies

We meet the recruitment needs of companies by placing them at contact with the best university talent. More than 1,300 national and international companies collaborate every year with the Internship Service and employment and bet on the talent of the University.

What do we offer?

  1. Access to university and graduate talent through various activities and events.

  2. Publication of internship and job offers on the University's employment website Portal .

  3. Management of grants and collaborative projects related to employment.

Aplicaciones anidadas

Aplicaciones anidadas


We intend to be the link between business and the universityWe try to satisfy the human capital needs of the former and reflect the concerns and needs of the labor market in the latter.

Teresa Bueno-contacto

Teresa Bueno

manager of Internships and employment

Teresa Bueno

Ismael Sánchez Bella Building

31009 Pamplona, Spain

+34 948 425 600 x

Aplicaciones anidadas

¿Quién puede hacer prácticas?

Who can do an internship?

  • All students enrolled in the current course without exception.

  • In principle, internship hours may not exceed 50% of the credits enrolled. Each ECTS credit credit is equivalent to 25 hours.

  • Those who have completed their programs of study will be able to do an internship through the Programa de Iniciación a la business (scholarship PIE).

  • Extracurricular internships are not recognised by ECTS credit creditIn the case of extra-curricular internships, registration is authorised on the transcript of student, but without assimilation to a subject and, therefore, without payment for enrollment.

¿Y si las he conseguido por mi cuenta?

What if I got them on my own?

If you have contacted contact with a centre/business on your own to do an internship, business must sign a partnership agreement with the University of Navarra, for this purpose you will have to fill in the following form form indicating also that you have been selected for the internship.

What does the system bring to learners?

Aplicaciones anidadas


Prepare for your leap into the professional world

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Aplicaciones anidadas


Join our LinkedIn network

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What is the Internship Service and employment?

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