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years beating for life



October 8, 1954 was a singular day for the School: the first class of Medicine was given at the University of Navarra and a singular way of teaching and practicing this profession began.

This concept of the physician at the service of life, patients and their families, of which we are especially proud, is more necessary today than ever. In the words of Bishop Fernando Ocáriz, Chancellor of the University: "So many souls have benefited in their health and living conditions as a result of the medical and human knowledge imparted in these classrooms. I also think of so many who have preceded you and have made possible, with their generous submission and their work, this reality from which many students will continue to benefit. It is always worthwhile to put our lives at the disposal of others".

This year we want to commemorate seven decades of academic excellence, innovation in medical research and commitment to service to society.

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Celebrate with us!

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Happy Birthday!

October 4th
7:00 p.m.
sports center/Campus Pamplona

October 4 will be the most special day to return to campus and enjoy a great celebration with the family. alumni We will celebrate seven decades of academic excellence, innovation in the medical research and commitment to service to society. A great event in which to reconnect, remember the origins of the School and look to the future with the security that gives a solid project . And then... a great party!


Thank you!

October 18th
7:00 p.m. (Pamplona)
chapel Sciences Building (Pamplona)

Taking advantage of the feast of St. Luke, patron saint of doctors, on October 18 the School will celebrate a Mass in thanksgiving for all this time dedicated to training new generations of professionals in the service of the sick and their families. In it we will remember the tenacity with which our pioneers, encouraged by St. Josemaría, conceived this project, as well as the efforts of so many teachers who, throughout these 70 years, have gone out of their way for the students, the donors who have supported our activities or the families who have trusted in us to train their children.

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A brief look at our history


  • 1954

    The School of Medicine is born

    The classes of the newly born School of Medicine, today School, began on October 8, 1954. During that first course they were held in the Chamber of Deputies. There were 25 students enrolled.

    The first course had a preparatory character, focused on physico-chemical and biological subjects, so that the students could have a solid preparation when facing the strictly medical subjects.

    The School of Medicine is born
  • 1955-1956

    "Old School".

    Soon, the facilities in Comptos, which were shared with the Law School School , became too small. In the 55-56 academic year, the Medicine classes were moved to the so-called "Old School", a building inside the Hospital of Navarra, on loan from the Provincial Council.

  • 1956


    Already in 1956, despite the lack of resources, an intense research activity began to develop at School, with the impulse of Dean Juan Jiménez Vargas himself and other professors such as Félix Álvarez de la Vega or Álvaro del Amo.

  • 1958

    Clinical subjects

    The beginning of the academic year 57/58 meant a new challenge for the School and its Dean. The 4th year students began to take clinical subjects and it became necessary to hire new teachers and to have the possibility of visiting patients.

    Thus, in 1958, Dr. Eduardo Ortiz de Landázuri arrived in Pamplona from Granada as professor of Pathology and Clinical Medicine. In 1962 he was appointed Dean of the School, until 1966. He returned to position between 1969 and 1978.

    Clinical subjects
  • 1958

    "Escuela Nueva"

    In 1958 the first building of the campus in Pamplona was inaugurated, the "Escuela Nueva" (today, Research Building), and the classes of the School were moved there.

    The Hospital of Navarra ceded the "Pabellón F", which was in disuse, for the teaching clinic.

  • 1962

    Clínica Universidad de Navarra

    In 1962, the Clínica Universidad de Navarra (then Postgraduate School) began to operate, under the impulse of Dr. Martínez-Caro and Dr. Ortiz de Landázuri. The aim of goal was that medical students could specialize and that professors could continue with their work in health care.

    Clínica Universidad de Navarra
  • 1967

    Carlos Jiménez Díaz, 'Honoris Causa'.

    On October 7, 1967, the University, at proposal of Medicine, invested Carlos Jiménez Díaz with an honorary doctorate. This was done at degree scroll posthumously, since he had died a few months earlier. Dr. Jiménez Díaz had helped School from its origins.

    That same day, President Francisco Ponz unveiled a tombstone in honor of Dr. Jiménez Díaz, located in the hall of the "Los Castaños" building. He pointed out that it had been placed at the express wish of the University's Chancellor .

    Carlos Jiménez Díaz, 'Honoris Causa'.
  • 1970

    Sciences Building

    At the end of the 1960s, work began on Sciences Building, known as "Hexagon Building". It was inaugurated in 1970 and since then it has housed the School of Medicine.

    The 1970s saw a real demographic boom for the School: from 80 students, it suddenly grew to 220.

    Sciences Building
  • 1974

    Jêrome Lejeune, 'Honoris Causa'.

    In 1974, St. Josemaría, as Chancellor, awarded the doctorate 'honoris causa' to Jérôme Lejeune, considered the father of modern Genetics . In 1958, Lejeune identified the trisomy of chromosome 21 that defines Down syndrome.

    Jêrome Lejeune, 'Honoris Causa'.
  • 1997

    agreement with the Government of Navarra

    In 1997 a partnership agreement was signed between the University and the Government of Navarra for the teaching internship of the students of the School of Medicine in the Health Centers of Pamplona. This updated a agreement already signed in 1970.

    agreement with the Government of Navarra
  • 2004


    In 2004, the research center Applied Medicine (CIMA) was inaugurated. Together with the attendance, the School has always considered the research as a point core topic both for the training of new doctors and in the academic and ordinary activity of the faculty.

  • 2009

    Simulation Center

    work In 2009, the School inaugurated its Simulation Center which financial aid to enable students to deepen their training internship and acquire other professional competencies such as communication skills, teamwork, analysis and decision making, leadership skills, conflict resolution and stress management.

    Simulation Center
  • 2015

    laboratory of Medical Engineering

    In 2015, the School created a pioneering laboratory Medical Engineering. Its goal is to provide practical teaching solutions and add to the close partnership that exists between the different Departments of the School, the services of the Clínica Universidad de Navarra and the laboratories of the research center Applied Medical (CIMA).

    laboratory of Medical Engineering
  • 2020

    Integrated Curriculum

    In 2020, Medicine became the first Spanish School to implement, with the advice of Harvard University, the Integrated Curriculum.

    This new Study program changes the way of understanding Medicine and the training of future doctors, and enables students to take the lead in their professional development and staff.

    Integrated Curriculum
  • 2022

    In 2022, the School created the "Professor Jiménez Vargas" scholarships to study at Degree. The program is named after the first Dean and is aimed at students with excellent academic transcript in high school diploma and economic difficulties.

  • 2022-2023

    Intensive year at the Clinic

    In the 2022/23 academic year, the 3rd year students have started an intensive year in which they will be trained in different specialties at Clínica Universidad de Navarra in Pamplona and Madrid. A unique rotation in Spain to apply the knowledge acquired in the first two courses.

    Intensive year at the Clinic
  • Deans

    Marta Ferrer, dean since 2021

    Dr. Marta Ferrer is the current dean of School. Before her, they have occupied the position:

    - Mr. Juan Jiménez Vargas (1954-1962)
    - Mr. Eduardo Ortiz de Landázuri (1962-1966 / 1969-1978)
    - Mr. Fernando Reinoso (1966-1969)
    - Mr. Gonzalo Herranz (1978-1981)
    - Mr. Jesús Vázquez (1981-1993)
    - Mr. Pedro Gil (1993-2001)
    - Mrs. Mª Pilar Civeira (2001-2010)
    - Mr. Jorge Iriarte (2010-2014)
    - Mr. Secundino Fernández (2014-2021)
    - Ms. Marta Ferrer (2021-present)

    Marta Ferrer, dean since 2021



In 1954, the founder of the University, St. Josemaría Escrivá, approached Juan Jiménez Vargas about the imminent start-up of the Medical School of the Estudio General de Navarra. Juan was one of the pioneers of what is now School.

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The team of pioneers included Félix Álvarez de la Vega, Álvaro del Amo, Luis María Gonzalo, Ángela Mouriz, Gonzalo Herranz, José María Macarulla, Juan Voltas, Dolores Jurado, Diego Martínez Caro, Eduardo Ortiz de Landázuri, José Miranda, Emilio Moncada, Juan Antonio Paniagua, Javier Teijeira, Manuel Martínez Lage, Jesús Vázquez, Esteban Santiago, Fernando Reinoso and José Cañadell.

Others, later, took over at teaching, research and attendance. Such as Jesús Prieto, who arrived at School in 1979 to assist and replace Dr. Ortiz de Landázuri after his retirement. Dr. Prieto played a decisive role in the development of the research, promoting the creation of the CIMA.




* Click on the image to learn more about the pioneers of the School   




University and Life

Statement by the deans of the Schools of Medicine, Science, Pharmacy and Nursing, and the director of the Clínica Universidad de Navarra.

See document