

These are the latest news published by School of Pharmacy and Nutrition: 

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10 | 04 | 2013

Link between prenatal stress and obesity in infant adulthood confirmed

TextoLaura Latorre

ImagenManuel Castells

09 | 04 | 2013

Roundtables and practical workshops to commemorate the 1st Healthy Eating Day

TextoLaura Latorre


08 | 04 | 2013

RNB-Deliplus president gives a session on entrepreneurship

TextoRosario Mancini

ImagenManuel Castells

08 | 04 | 2013

"Cuadernos Gerontológicos" dedicates an interview to María Luisa López, Professor of Botany.

TextoLaura Latorre

ImagenManuel Castells

26 | 03 | 2013

" challenge is to promote technology transfer between the university and business"

TextoLaura Latorre

ImagenManuel Castells

20 | 03 | 2013

Five genetic markers found to help predict weight loss in adolescents

TextoLaura Latorre

ImagenManuel Castells

18 | 03 | 2013

The Alumni Scholarships programme receives 150,000 euros from the Bolar Foundation in Guatemala.

ImagenManuel Castells

18 | 03 | 2013

The University opens its doors

12 | 03 | 2013

Childhood obesity, at discussion in the VII Nutrition conference

TextoLaura Latorre

ImagenManuel Castells

12 | 03 | 2013

Professor Félix Álvarez de la Vega, first Dean of the School of Pharmacy, dies

TextoLaura Latorre

ImagenManuel Castells