

These are the latest news published by School of Pharmacy and Nutrition: 

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04 | 11 | 2013

high performing sports centers as a professional outlet

TextoLaura Latorre


04 | 11 | 2013

Javier Sobrini, from ADAMED Laboratorios, guest at Master's Degree de Medicamentos

TextoLaura Latorre

ImagenManuel Castells

04 | 11 | 2013

Professor María Concepción Cid Canda joins the Galician Academy of Pharmacy

TextoLaura Latorre

ImagenManuel Castells

04 | 11 | 2013

Open the deadline for registration in Nutrivideo 2014

TextoLaura Latorre

ImagenSchool of Pharmacy

28 | 10 | 2013

Counseling on healthy habits at the Sto Domingo Market

TextoLaura Latorre


27 | 10 | 2013

First culinary meeting with international students

TextoLaura Latorre

ImagenUniversity of Navarra

25 | 10 | 2013

"Bioethics is a discipline that concerns everyone."

TextoCarolina Villegas

ImagenCarolina Villegas

25 | 10 | 2013

The philologist Manuel Casado warns about the use of euphemisms with proven persuasive effectiveness.

TextoLaura Latorre

ImagenManuel Castells

24 | 10 | 2013

The IX National congress of the Spanish Bioethics and Medical Ethics association brings together 150 specialists in Pamplona.

TextoLaura Latorre

ImagenManuel Castells

23 | 10 | 2013

Social impact of the research in tropical health

ImagenManuel Castells