Texts, articles and reviews with the following URL: label: 'causality'.
How to think the unity of human life?
summaryIn the human experience, dimensions from biological to spiritual come into play, integrated in a unitary way to constitute a biographical unity. In order to understand man, in addition to seeing him as a whole, his unfolding in time must be considered.
Author: José Ángel Lombo
The purification of representations in the dialogue between science and faith
summaryThe science-faith dialogue starts from the conceptions of the dialoguers. This requires all to outline the causality present in the world and the divine causality. This purification is proposed in the big bang-creation relationship, human evolution and the creation of the immortal soul.
Author: Javier Sánchez-Cañizares.
Lesson 2021: How does God act in casual events?
summaryThere are fortuitous events apparently irreconcilable with a creative plan. In order to clarify the problem, the notion of chance is presented, the ideas of Thomas Aquinas and some current authors are presented and it is concluded how divine intentionality and providence are compatible with chance natural laws .
Author: Juan José Sanguineti
What is determinism in physics?
summary summary of the main positions that have been taken historically on determinism and indeterminism: within Aristotelian causality, within the Newtonian approach to the laws of nature, and within the formalist interpretation of the principle of indeterminacy and the physics of chaos, with some concluding reflections on the interpretation of science.
Author: Santiago Collado, Héctor Velázquez