
Texts, articles and reviews with the label: 'evolutionism'.

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VideoThe discussion of the argument of the design 

summaryOrder in classical philosophy sample the existence of an ordering intelligence. Modern materialism makes order and purpose disappear from the explanation of nature, in evolution with Darwin. The movement of the intelligent design tries to recover these dimensions.
Author: Felipe Aizpún

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"As a scientist, Hawking is a professional; as a philosopher, a dilettante" (Interview with Juan Arana).

summaryInterview on the origin of the current conception of the relationship between science and faith, modern scientism and faith-evolution compatibility.

Recent developments in evolution and their implications for faith and theology

summaryCurrent state of evolutionary theories: The origin of the universe, the origin of life, the origin of species, the origin of man, the evolutionary worldview. Philosophical-theological reflections: Divine action in the world, human uniqueness. The first part briefly comments on the current state of evolutionary theories, and the second part examines the relationship between these theories and Christianity.
Author: Mariano Artigas

Dialogue between science and faith in the face of the philosophical questions of physics today.

summaryThe phenomenon of the gulf between the two cultures (scientific and religious) has deepened as a consequence of the growing anti-intellectual atmosphere in today's culture. In the radical versions of today's postmodernism, both the Christian worldview and the heritage of the Enlightenment, in which the fundamental theses of modern science were formed, are criticised. This has fundamentally changed the climate of dialogue between science and Christian thought. In the past, Christianity was repeatedly criticised from the perspective of the natural sciences; today, both Christianity and the natural sciences are subject to criticism, carried out in the name of the search for a new scientific paradigm, of radical social slogans, or in the name of a cultural pluralism that is understood in a peculiar way and in which the authority of reason is disrupted. In the present work, the aim is to examine recent developments in physics from this point of view, and to consider their consequences for the Christian worldview.
Author: Msgr. Józef Zycinski

The intelligent organism: misunderstandings about a paradox

summaryReflections on materialism and its inconsistency based on the thesis of some neuroscientists who pretend to include thought in their scientific field.
Author: José Ignacio Murillo

The end of an endless search. Karl Popper discusses death

summaryThe evolutionary explanations, conjectures and refutations, the open society, the self and its brain, science and spirit, are there ultimate answers, bibliography of Popper and about Popper.
Author: Mariano Artigas

Emergence and reduction in morphogenetic theories

summaryThe origin of the universe and of man are the limit cases of the evolutionary worldview, whose main task consists in the formulation of morphogenetic theories explaining how new levels emerge from more basic ones. In this context, the problems of emergence and reduction occupy a central place. The following reflections first allude to the difficulties of classical analyses of reductionism and suggest that the problem of reduction finds its proper place within the analysis of relations between levels. These considerations are applied, secondly, to the examination of certain morphogenetic theories. And they are also applied, finally, to the problem of ontological emergence, including the evaluation of some proposals about the origin of the universe and of man.
Author: Mariano Artigas

Interview with Mariano Artigas in Zenit

summaryIn this interview with Zenit, Mariano Artigas, professor of philosophy of nature and science at the University of Navarra, reminds us that "with an adequate combination of religious sense and scientific and technical knowledge, many of the most serious problems that humanity suffers today could be solved".

Evolutionary epistemology

summaryCommentary on "Evolutionary Epistemology, Rationality, and the Sociology of Knowledge", edited by Gerard Radnitzky and W.W. Bartley III. Bartley III. Open Court, La Salle (Illinois) 1987, which proposes new epistemological approaches in Philosophy of science.
Author: Mariano Artigas

Evolutionism and Christian faith

summaryThe catholic doctrine on creation, the scope of natural sciences, evolution and divine action, the difficulties and their roots, the knowledge of divine action: reason and revelation, the origin of the universe, the origin of life, the evolution of living things, the origin of man, the evolutionist worldview.
Author: Mariano Artigas


summaryThe concept of finality, finalistic dimensions of nature, existence and scope of natural finality, natural finality in the current worldview, teleology and transcendence, nature and providence, the intelligibility of nature, bibliography.
Author: Mariano Artigas

Overview of discussion creationism-evolutionism in the last hundred years in the USA

summary: Historical context of the discussion creationism-evolutionism in the last hundred years in the USA; explanation of the causes of its polemic character; presentation of the design Intelligent, comparing it with the classic discussion .
Author: Santiago Collado González

The Design of Evolution

summaryArticle on the diverse meaning of the term random, the intervention of cardinal Schönborn in The New York Times, catholic faith and evolution, in the context of the intelligent design movement.
Author: Stephen M. Barr 

The Designs of Science

summary: Article of Cardinal Schönborn in response to comentary of Barr about the article of New York Times, about The Design of Evolution.
Author: Christoph Cardinal Schönborn

The Religion and Science discussion Why Does It Continue?

summaryReview of the book Harold W. Attridge (ed.), The Religion and Science discussion Why Does It Continue?, Yale University Press, New Haven and London 2009. Exposition of ID and anti-evolutionary arguments, and the problems of method that lie beneath to perpetuate the discussion.
Author: Javier Sánchez Cañizares