
Texts, articles and reviews with the label: 'person'.

VideoVulnerability. The depth and grandeur of the wounded body 

summaryToday's culture, which values appearance so much, has trouble understanding the greatness of a wounded body. The opening of a wounded body makes it possible to enter a world of deep relationships beyond equality, contractual, utility, duty or paternalism.
Author: Javier de la Torre Díaz

VideoPsychology and Christianity: A goal-Model of the Person 

summary: This seminar presents an integrated Catholic Christian goal-Model of the Person: a view that is informed by Christian faith and by reason and the psychological sciences. This better understanding of the person will enhance theory, research and practice in mental health.
Author: Paul C. Vitz

Comments on the new faith of materialism

summaryMaterialism, a) Naive realism, b) Consumerism, c) Dialectical materialism, d) Problems of the scientific method, the creation of hypotheses, the scope of the method, e) Superstitions, natural selection, the appearance of life, artificial intelligence, additional comments, 2. Sterility of materialism, 3.
Author: Atilio González Hernández. Telecommunications engineer

Easeful Death. Is There a Case for Assisted Dying?

summaryAbsolute autonomy of the patient, the need to legally accept the financial aid to suicide, invalidity of contrary arguments.
Author: Antonio Pardo

The soul

summary exhibition of the ways of analysing reality (the subject, the form, the spirit and the subject, and a brief analysis of Christian doctrine.
Author: Juan Luis Lorda

The collaboration between philosophy and neuroscience. An interdisciplinary proposal to understand the unity of the human person. 

Author: José Ángel Lombo and José Manuel Giménez Amaya

The spirituality of the human being

summaryExposition of the Christian doctrine on the superiority of man in the world, and his spiritual nature, image of God, as the foundation of this superiority.
Author: Mariano Artigas

PDFThe unity of the person 

summaryAn interdisciplinary approach from philosophy and neuroscience.
Author: José Ángel Lombo y José Manuel Giménez Amaya

Scientific creativity and human singularity

summaryInformation sciences have contributed to clarify the meaning of models in scientific research, and this, in its turn, has made it easier to understand in which sense we can speak about scientific truth. Using stipulations we reach a contextual and partial, but also authentical scientific truth. And our creativity allows us to handle theoretical constructs and experimental devices in such a way that we can grasp how nature really is. As the alleged disconnections and even oppositions between science and theology depend in a great extent from the way of understanding scientific truth, the epistemological analysis of the relationships between creativity and truth may help us to advance towards a unifying perspective of knowledge in which, although the differences among science and theology are carefully respected, it is also possible to understand their mutual harmony and complementarity.
Author: Mariano Artigas