17 | 12 | 2015
Mary and Joseph were also refugees
TextoDiego Zalbidea
ImagenManuel Castells
15 | 12 | 2015
University professors edit the "Theological Dictionary of the Second Vatican Council".
ImagenManuel Castells
11 | 12 | 2015
The high school Superior of Religious Sciences launches the online Diploma in Biblical Theology.
TextoFina Trèmols Garanger
30 | 11 | 2015
Jordi Puig: "We need an ecological conversion".
TextoFina Trèmols Garanger
ImagenManuel Castells
16 | 11 | 2015
Francisco Varo publishes "The Bible for hipsters".
TextoFina Trèmols Garanger
ImagenManuel Catells
04 | 11 | 2015
The University stands out in Health, Science and Engineering in the ranking of the Everis Foundation
TextoBlanca Rodríguez
ImagenManuel Castells
27 | 10 | 2015
The high school Superior of Religious Sciences publishes "Mariology".
TextoFina Trèmols Garanger
Imagencourtesy of
30 | 09 | 2015
The high school Higher School of Religious Sciences publishes "Ethics".
TextoFina Trèmols
03 | 09 | 2015
A hundred professionals take part in the 12th ISCR Course update
TextoFina Trèmols
ImagenManuel Castells
16 | 06 | 2015
The first two students of licentiate degree/Master's Degree (specialization program Marriage and Family) of the ISCR graduate.
TextoFina Trèmols
ImagenManuel Castells
Mª Jesús Cantalapiedra
Head of Communication of the Schools Ecclesiastics
mcantal@unav.esSchools Ecclesiastical, Campus University
31009 Pamplona, Spain
+34 948 42 56 00 ext. 802629