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The high school Superior of Religious Sciences publishes "Mariology".

The book is the third Issue of the collection of manuals for philosophical and theological study.

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27/10/15 18:25 Fina Trèmols Garanger

The University of Navarra has published "Mariology", third Issue of the "ISCR Manuals Collection", edited by EUNSA. Mariology is the theological study of the person and mission statement of Mary.

The book consists of seven chapters, which address among other topics: the divine maternity of Mary, the Immaculate Conception, the maternal mission statement of the Virgin, and her worship and devotion. It also offers practical exercises, a bibliographic list where you can expand the knowledge acquired, as well as websites of interest. Its authors are Juan Luis Bastero, Full Professor emeritus of Dogmatic Theology of the University of Navarra, specialized in Mariology, and José Manuel Fidalgo, Associate Professor of Dogmatic Theology and director of the Higher Institute of Religious Sciences (ISCR) of the University of Navarra.

With the academic support of the University of Navarra, especially the Schools of Theology, Ecclesiastical Philosophy and Canon Law, this collection of study manuals aims to respond to the need of training Christian with high professional quality.

The collection "Manuals of the Higher Institute of Religious Sciences" is characterized by clarity and full fidelity to the Magisterium of the Catholic Church; a systematic and professional exhibition of theological, philosophical and other sciences subjects, and a "didactic format that tries to make the study of the fundamental contents of the subjects accessible, often on one's own. In this line, there are some didactic elements such as outlines, introductions, vocabulary, classifications, distinction between fundamental contents and extensions, bibliography and a study guide at the end of each topic", says Professor José Manuel Fidalgo. Other titles published in the "ISCR Manuals Collection" are "Introduction to Theology" and "Ethics".



