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The high school Superior of Religious Sciences launches the online Diploma in Biblical Theology.

The course will start on February 15, 2016.

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11/12/15 17:32 Fina Trèmols Garanger

The high school Higher School of Religious Sciences(ISCR) of the University of Navarra is launching the Diploma online course in Biblical Theology to deepen the knowledge of the Sacred Scripture. It will begin on February 15, 2016 and students can start the program at any semester of the academic year.

Professor Francisco Varo, director of diploma, affirms that "there are many people who, when they learn to read in depth the Sacred Scripture, enjoy their reading and financial aid so much in their life staff, that their appetite to know more and read better becomes insatiable. But in many cases, it is not possible for them to attend regularly to the classes that we give at the University of Navarra, nor to follow the complete programs of study of Religious Sciences. The idea of this course is to bring the Bible closer to home, so that anyone who wants to know more can have a methodology that fits their availability of time, while offering them a university-qualityteaching ."

The online methodology of this Diploma of Biblical Theology will allow the student to study and work in a flexible way, with a system of continuous assessment based on activities such as forums, tests and online classes. The programs of study have a face-to-facefinal examination in the campus of the University of Navarra in Pamplona or Madrid.

Some of the professors who belong to the faculty of this Diploma were part of the committee editing team that prepared a new translation and commentary of the Holy Bible, a commission that the School of Theology received from St. Josemaría Escrivá, the first president of the University of Navarra. Chancellor of the University of Navarra.

The Spanish translation was made from the original texts. The dominant criterion is, above all, to maintain fidelity to the original and even to the forms of expression of the Hebrew or Greeklanguage . At the same time, an attempt was made to present a fluent and intelligible Spanish essay to any reader. The Latin version of the Neovulgata accompanies the text Spanish .

The purpose of these notes is to facilitate the understanding and following of the biblical narrative as it is presented in the transmitted text. It was also intended to be oriented towards the spiritual meaning of the biblical text, seeking to make the word of God alive in the dimension of staff and community. Hence the frequent quotations from the Holy Fathers, spiritual authors and the Magisterium of the Church, which show how the message of Scripture has been understood and updated.

The editions published so far are: the Holy Bible in 5 volumes; the New Testament in 12 volumes; the New Testament (pocket edition) and in e-book. The Holy Bible is also published in English, Portuguese, Italian and French .

For more information about Diploma online Biblical Theology, please visit the website.



