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The first two students of licentiate degree/Master's Degree (specialization program Marriage and Family) of the ISCR graduate.

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Ángeles Cabido and Lidia Alcolea on their graduation day. PHOTO: Manuel Castells
16/06/15 17:16 Fina Trèmols

Lidia Alcolea and Angeles Cabido have two things in common: the high school diploma They have been part of the 29 students of the XIV graduating class of the ISCR since last Friday. Master's Degree in Marriage and Family of the high school of Family Sciences. They are the first two students to obtain the licentiate degree through the high school Superior of Religious Sciences (ISCR) of the University of Navarra.

The Master's Degree in Marriage and Family, which is mostly online, is complemented each year, during the first two weeks of June, with a mandatory face-to-face coursework period at campus in Pamplona, where students attend programs, seminars and workshops at work.

Lidia Alcolea is originally from Madrid, but has lived in Huesca for 15 years. She is married and has three children. On the recommendation of Monsignor Jesús Sanz, at that time bishop of that Aragonese province, she began studying Religious Sciences at the ISCR of the University of Navarra. "It has been eight years of hard and constant work , but also very rewarding, which I would not have achieved without the support of my family, who has been by my side at all times, and of the professors, whose good work and willingness made the path much easier," she explains.

From her time at the University of Navarra "I take with me an excellent academic staff , both for its attention and for its availability at all times that, despite the distance, has made each subject a new world to discover and enjoy. And also some colleagues who have shown me that time and distance do not prevent camaraderie and friendship," says Lidia.

Ángeles Cabido was born in Switzerland, but moved to Galicia when she was two years old. In 2001, she came to Pamplona to study the diploma program in Human Nutrition and Dietetics at the University of Navarra and since then she has lived in the capital of the Comunidad Foral. Since 2004 she has alternated various jobs as a dietician, with the programs of study of the licentiate degree in Food Science and Technology at the UPV/EHUand the diploma program in Religious Sciences at the ISCR San Francisco Javier, in Pamplona. After graduating she started working as a teacher of Education secondary, in the teaching of the Catholic religion. 

She says that "when I studied the diploma program of Religious Sciences I was fascinated by the subject of Theological Anthropology and in particular the passages of Genesis where it speaks of the "Una Caro". Then I decided that I wanted to go deeper in that line and I enrolled in the Master's Degree in Marriage and Family with the intention of doing a doctorate in the future. I knew about this Master's Degree because I was a former student of the University of Navarra and because a good friend recommended it to me".

"The Master's Degree in Marriage and Family has been an incredible experience, a great enrichment staff, professional and academic. What I have learned is a treasure that I already have the opportunity to share in Religion classes with my students and also in talks that I give to young people in university ministry. Combining personal, professional and academic responsibilities has not been easy, since the Study program is very demanding, but thanks to the support of the professors and colleagues, and the human accompaniment of the administrative staff , it has been possible and I am happy. It is wonderful to see the availability and accessibility to the professors through the online platform during the year and, especially, in the face-to-face classes in June". 

Characteristics of Master's Degree in Marriage and Family

The ISCR of the University of Navarra offers the possibility of accessing this Master's Degree to those students who, having the high school diploma in Religious Studies, wish to take the licentiate degree/Master's Degree (specialization program Marriage and Family) of two years duration (120 ECTS credit). These programs of study offer an integral vision of marriage and the family from the perspective of eight different scientific areas: Humanities Basics; Biomedicine; Psychology, Psychopathology and Family Therapy; Education; Social Sciences; Theology; Politics and Law; Communication and the Arts. And it provides an ideal training for the management of civil organizations related to the field of development of social initiatives and intervention in the field of the family.

It was created in 2000 and is aimed at professionals in fields such as medicine, law, psychiatry or family mediation. Its goal is train the professional to evaluate, educate and advise on the development of family and marital relationships.



