

Publicador de contenidos


04 | 11 | 2020

ThinkTech+ is born, a monthly digital bulletin to foster thoughtful, in-depth conversation about technology.

TextoIsabel Solana

ImagenManuel Castelles / Natalia Rouzaut


03 | 11 | 2020

A Full Professor of the University publishes the biography of Charles De Gaulle, on the 50th anniversary of his death.

TextoMaría M. Orbegozo

ImagenManuel Castells


03 | 11 | 2020

Institute for Culture and SocietyParticipation in activities in other centers and universities (October 2020)

TextoIsabel Solana


24 | 10 | 2020

The University of Navarra organizes an international online workshop on report and identity on the framework of the centenary of the birth of John Paul II.

TextoIsabel Solana

ImagenManuel Castells


23 | 10 | 2020

Critically ill patients who experience death wishes are not necessarily asking to bring the end forward, study asserts

TextoIsabel Solana

ImagenManuel Castells


22 | 10 | 2020

La Grande Chapelle's new album offers the first complete version of Tomás Luis de Victoria's official document de Difuntos, a masterpiece of the Spanish musical Renaissance.

TextoIsabel Solana


16 | 10 | 2020

The Government of Navarra and the Institute for Culture and Society present a report on the Moroccan community in Navarra from the perspective of women.

TextoIsabel Solana

ImagenGovernment of Navarre


14 | 10 | 2020

University of Navarra professor Gabriel Pérez publishes the biography of Álvaro d'Ors, Full Professor of Roman Law and outstanding humanist.

TextoIsabel Solana



09 | 10 | 2020

An international stay during the pandemic: the experience of ICS researcher María Calatrava at the University of Porto

TextoIsabel Solana

ImagenCourtesy / From UP - work own, CC BY-SA 4


02 | 10 | 2020

Institute for Culture and SocietyParticipation in activities of other centers and universities (September 2020)

TextoIsabel Solana



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31008 Pamplona, Spain

+34 948 425615
