Institute for Culture and Societyparticipation in activities at other centers and universities (May 2021)
ICS researchers and collaborators participated online and in person in activities organized by institutions in Argentina, Colombia, Ecuador, Spain, the United States, France, Italy, Mexico, Poland and Portugal.
01 | 06 | 2021
ATLANTES Palliative Care
Carlos Centeno attended the session 'Aproximación a la ley orgánica 3/2021 de regulación de la eutanasia' organized by the high school Oficial de Médicos de Navarra, (19/05/2021, Pamplona).
Alazne Belar participated virtually in the IV Course on Clinical Bioethics Online of the Hospital Universitario Infanta Sofia within the workshop'Suicide and Euthanasia', (12/05/2021, Madrid).
Emotional culture and identity
Esther Linares offered the discussion paper 'The use of trumping in female stand-up comedy: A cognitive-pragmatic analysis' at the 3rd International Conference EnTRetextos 2021 organized by the University of Alicante (13-14/05/2021, Alicante).
Ana Belén Martínez participated in the lecture 'Life Writing to Better Understand Oneself and Others' of the Center for Intercultural programs of study (CEI) of ISCAP-P.PORTO (11/05/2021, Porto, Portugal).
Public discourse
Ruth Breeze attended virtually as speaker invited to give the plenary lecture of the International Conference of the Centre for Research in Language and Law of the Università Vanvitelli (20-21/05/2021, Naples, Italy).
Dámaso Izquierdo carried out several activities in Spanish and Italian institutions. On the one hand, he gave a course to researchers on the use of the tool Sketch Engine for linguistic corpus analysis at the International University of La Rioja, (12/05/2021, Logroño).
On the other hand, he delivered the paper 'Transferring linguistic criteria to analyze defamation and hate speech: a case study' at the 6th International Crill Conference May 2021 of the Centre for Research in Language and Law, (21/05/2021, Caserta, Italy).
He also gave the session 'Attenuation under the prism of legal professionals' during the Second conference of Legal Language: "Rebus Sic Stantibus" of the International University of Catalonia, (27/05/2021, Barcelona).
Manuel Casado participated in the VIII workshop Sicilian of programs of study Hispanic Mediterranean "Characters, speeches and famous phrases" with the lecture 'The conception of speech and its analysis in Eugenio Coseriu (1921-2002): an integrative vision' at the Università Roma Tre, (10-12/05/2021, Rome, Italy).
Ricardo María Jiménez Yáñez attended virtually the 3rd International Conference EnTRetextos 2021 at the University of Alicante where he delivered the oral communication ""Sentencias correctas, claras y precisas". Judge craft (official document de juez).", (13/05/2021, Alicante).
Education of Affectivity and Human Sexuality
Carolina Lupo participated in the seminar "Los efectos y desafíos de la tecnología en la Education afectivo sexual de los jóvenes" organized by the Universidad Panamericana de México, (26/05/2021, Mexico City, Mexico).
José Manuel Muñoz carried out several online activities with institutions in Latin America. He gave the discussion paper 'Decision processes and free will' within the seminar international on neuro-rights of the United Nations Institute for the training and research (UNITAR) and CIFAL Argentina (15/05/2021, Neuquén, Argentina).
In addition, he participated in the International Forum "Neuro-rights in perspective" with the session 'Towards international consensus on neuro-rights: specific challenges of the right to free will' of the Latin American Observatory of Human Rights and Business of the Externado University of Colombia, (21/05/2021, Bogota, Colombia).
Javier Sánchez Cañizares attended virtually the Stanislaw Kaminski Memorial Lectures 2021 at The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin where he delivered the keynote lecture 'A Singular Universe; Reflections from Physics for Philosophers of Nature', (17-21/05/2021, Lublin, Poland).
Navarra Center for International Development
Raúl Bajo Buenestado attended virtually the 19th annual International Industrial Organization Conference at Northeastern University. He moderated the session 'The Value of Technology Releases in the Mobile App Ecosystem' and delivered the paper 'Market competition and the adoption of clean technology: evidence from the cab industry', (01/05/2021, Boston, USA).
On the other hand, he gave the lectures 'The Heterogeneous Tax Pass-through under Different Vertical Relationships' and 'La lucha contra el fraude en las rentas de los alquileres vacacionales' at the 28th meeting de Economics Pública de la Universidade da Coruña (28/05/2021, A Coruña).
Luis Alberiko Gil-Alaña offered the invited seminar 'Fractional integration and cointegration' at the Universidad Internacional De Andalucía, (03/05/2021, Huelva).
Tijan Bah gave two papers in online webinars: 'How Has COVID-19 Affected the Intention to Migrate via the Backway to Europe and to a Neighboring African Country? Survey Evidence and a Salience Experiment in the Gambia' in The Economics of Migration co-organized by CERDI, PSE, LISER, the University of Luxembourg, Universidad Carlos III, CEPII, the IC Migrations, the Development Research Group of the World Bank, Global Migration Center of UC DAVIS and Global Development Policy Center Boston University, (10/05/2021, Boston, USA).
He also participated in the panel Panel I "Goal 1: End poverty in all its forms, everywhere" of the webinar 'Africa Day & the SDGs' of NOVAFRICA and NOVA School of Business and Economics with the session 'Role of migration and remittances in promoting economic development', (25/05/2021, Lisbon, Portugal).
David Soler attended the meeting 'The transformative power of e-education in Africa' organized by Profuturo of Fundación Telefónica, (25/05/2021, Madrid).
Religion and Civil Society
Jaume Aurell offered the communication 'The illuminated books of the Catalan mercantile libraries: ostentation as a means of social ascent and political influence' at the colloquium 'Le livre enluminé médiéval, instrument politique' organized by the Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II and the Université de Poitiers, (07/05/2021, Italy-France).
Mª Cruz Díaz de Terán participated in the online lecture "Women in the contemporary age" organized by the Universidad de Los Hemisferios, (03/05/2021, Quito, Ecuador).