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Get to know us

We strive to alleviate extreme poverty in the world’s poorest countries by focusing on evidence-based research with a macro and micro approach. Our main areas of study are conflict, governance, education, democracy, urban planning and institution building, amongst others. To do that, we use techniques such as regression discontinuity, fractional co-integration, difference-in-difference, etc. 

We focus in several countries, with special interest in three regions: Central America, Subsaharan Africa and Southeast Asia. At the same time, we aim to offer a contribution to the public discussion on development through our general contributions, which include Ocassional Papers, Book Reviews and Country Reports.




Mirko Abbritti

Principal investigator

ICS. 2nd floor.

View CV "View Mirko Abbritti's CV".

Raúl Bajo Buenestado

Research fellow

ICS. 2nd floor.

View CV "View Raúl Bajo Buenestado's CV".

Ignacio Campomanes

Research fellow

ICS. 2nd floor.

View CV "View CV of Ignacio Campomanes".

Jaime Millán Quijano

Research fellow

ICS. 2nd floor.

View CV "View Jaime Millán Quijano's CV".

Luis Alberiko Gil Alaña

Research fellow

ICS. 2nd floor.

View CV "View Luis Alberiko Gil Alaña's CV".

Markus Kinateder

Research fellow

ICS. 2nd floor.

View CV "View Markus Kinateder's CV".

Itzel de Haro

Postdoctoral researcher

ICS. 2nd floor.

View CV "View Itzel de Haro's CV".

Álvaro Beristáin

Communication Assistant

ICS. 2nd floor.


Estefanía Berjón Elvira

Group manager

+34 948 425600

Ext: 802276