
rules and regulations academic School

This rules and regulations is complementary to the general regulations of the University, especially but not limited to the rules and regulations on student academic discipline ; the generalrules and regulations on the assessment; and the rules and regulations on permanence in the official programs of study of Degree of the University.


In accordance with the provisions of the rules and regulations on permanence in the official programs of study of Degree of the University, from the academic year 2025-26, first year students of all Degrees of the School of Communication who have not passed a minimum of 30 ECTS credit of the specific mandatory credits of the Degree will not be able to continue their programs of study in the Degree in which they had enrolled. The ECTS credit obtained by validations are not counted in the 30 ECTS credit required for permanence.

The enrollment is made only once a year and once formalized is irrevocable. However, within 10 days of its formalization, students who allege a just and proportionate cause may make a change to their registration. After this period, any modification of the enrollment must be made through written request, providing the reasons for the change. In the second semester , a period of modifications to the enrollment will be opened, by means of written request to School of Communication, during the first week of the month of January. After this period, it will be irrevocable and no changes can be made. 

In the enrollment of each academic year students must, first of all, include the subjects they have failed in previous years. 

The enrollment must be formalized in a minimum of 40 ECTS credit and a maximum of 78 (with a margin of 2 credits, both minimum and maximum).

3.1. Students may attend a maximum of four sittings of assessment (two sittings per academic year) at each subject.

3.2. In case of Fail in the 4th call, the student must apply for the grace periods (5th and 6th, or in its case, following) by means of a reasoned letter submitted through written request to Office of the Dean of the School, before July 7.

3.3. requirements for the granting of grace calls:

a) To have applied to the previous call of the subject for which the grace call is requested; 

b) And have C at least 50% of the credits enrolled in the previous call.

In the event of serious illness or family emergency, extraordinary calls will continue to be granted as necessary.

In case of refusal of the grace call, the School of Communication will inform the student of the termination of his programs of study on the School.

3.4. Students may not opt out of the assessment convocations at their discretion. 

Withdrawal of convocation may be granted provided that there is a justified cause for it. The mere accumulation of exams is not considered sufficient reason. No waivers will be granted for subjects taken in the fourth or grace period. 

Applications should be sent to written request up to 15 days before the start of the examination period.

Those who obtain Withdrawal of convocation in a subject will not be able to access the corresponding exam.

The waivers obtained only produce academic effects and, therefore, do not entail the total or partial cancellation of the enrollment, they only have effect on the call and the corresponding subject and consequently do not have economic effects.

The rules regarding the attendance to class and its effects on the grade will be included in the guide professor of each subject. 

Punctuality is a general requirement for all students of School Communication. Professors may deny access to classroom to those students who arrive after the session has started. 

Likewise, the regulation on the use of computers and mobile devices at classroom will be defined by the professor of each subject, who may choose, if he/she deems it appropriate, to prohibit their use completely. 

The work de Fin de Degree (TFG) is a work of obligatory character that each student must carry out, in group or individually, under the guidance of a tutor. It allows the student to put in internship the knowledge acquired in the degree program in a project supervised by one or more professors of the University.

To enroll in the subject work End of Degree will be a requirement: 

a) Be enrolled in all the compulsory subjects of the 4th year.

b) Not to have pending more than 18 ECTS credit of previous courses, being the maximum allowed 9 ECTS credit of compulsory subjects and 9 ECTS credit of optional subjects.

To participate in the graduation ceremony, it is a requirement to be enrolled in the TFG.

For apply for place in the program of exchange, it will be a requirement:

7.1. Be enrolled in the 2nd year of any Degree of the School of Communication or in the 3rd year of a double Degree of Communication + Philosophy and Letters.

Or be enrolled in 3rd year of any Degree of the School of Communication, in case of apply for exchange for the first semester of 4th year (in which case, a minimum of 30 must be taken ECTS credit).

7.2. To have a compensated grade average equal or higher than 7 at the time of apply for the exchange (January) and not to have passed the 4th call in any subject.

7.3. To prove the knowledge of the language of the classes in the center of destination with a degree scroll or certificate valid official less than two years old at the time of apply for the admission in the host university. 

7.4. On the grade average compensated, the certification of language and other details on the application process, see the guide of exchange of the School Communication.

Students who are missing 30 ECTS credit or less for fill in their degree scroll of Degree can take an early special exam in September or December, in which they will have to take an exam of all the pending subjects. 

These students must enroll in the corresponding period of agreement according to the calendar of enrollment and, subsequently, apply for by written request the special end of year call Degree.