How did the Club come about?
This club arises when considering the concerns of students at the time of entering college, since for many students this new academic world is presented as a great challenge.
The club unites different people and, as in sports leagues, they seek to overcome each stage successfully until the end of the season, i.e. the end-of-season exams semester.
It is for this reason that the club takes the name of "Learning League", where everyone learning from each other, we will help each other to achieve the objectives.

What is our main goal ?
Advise students during their adaptation to the university world and offer the necessary support and tools to face the study of the subjects.

The club is aimed at students from all Schools of the University of Navarra. Students seeking support in their process of adaptation to the university and in the study of subjects, as well as more experienced students, professors and professionals of Education and Psychology with the initiative to collaborate and enrich the process can register.

Club members will benefit from seminars and workshops, given by students and professors from School, on topics of interest to the club (study techniques, learning strategies, motivation, management time, reading, exhibition oral, etc.).

Meetings will be held twice a month, at times and places at the university to be determined.

Belonging to the Learning League Club will allow you to:
Place on internship the various learning strategies and techniques explored in the seminars with the specific contents of your subjects.
Learning from professionals educational, pedagogical and other related disciplines to enrich your university process.
Access to a digital platform with resources and materials recommended and used in the different workshops.
Generate a network support formed by students and professors of the School.
Encourage the readingthe analysisthe understanding and the dialogue with other students and teachers.
Participate in the "Studymate"(aimed at students of the School of Education and Psychology), either as a student looking for personalized accompaniment or as a volunteer "student-guide".
Obtain training and educational and pedagogical experiences.
Studymate is a student mentoring program, who will be guides for new students at the University of Navarra in their first steps at Degree and at the university. Students will be able to receive individualized and small group technical support on study topics and learning strategies, in addition to being able to have direct contact with a veteran (student-guide).
All students in the first courses of Education orPsychology, who must be part of university club, may receive this support in academic matters by the guides. One will be assigned to each student at the beginning of academic year. If you would like more information, please contact us at clublearningleague@unav.es. For students in higher grades who also require this support, please contact us.
If you are student of good academic performance of the School of Education and Psychology of the University of Navarra and you are interested in helping, you can become a volunteer in our Studymate program by filling out the form below and contacting us for any questions or explanations you may need. You will receive a small training and you will start to be part of our club, where you can also benefit from all the talks and workshops that are given.
Wed. 30 OCT. |
How to take advantage of AI in your studio? |
Mon. 18 NOV |
Examination strategies workshop subject test. |
Thursday. 16 JAN. |
How to get organized and make good outlines and notes |
Academic motivation. |
Public communication skills. |
Examination strategies from development. |