The University celebrates Founder's Week every early October, when we remember the figure of our founder, St. Josemaría Escrivá de Balaguer.
Different activities are organized and each center and School celebrates it in different ways. In this edition, we have organized a 'Course to be happy', in which, through podcasts, we share five lessons of St. Josemaría, and how these teachings inspire some of our teachers. Throughout the week, we will be unveiling each of the lessons.
On Monday, October 7, we will publish on the School 's Instagram account(@edupsicounav), a short quiz related to these audios, the first one to answer correctly will be able to win a dinner at the University of Navarra Museum. There will also be a second surprise award , so stay tuned to your email and Instagram stories!
Did you know that Saint Josemaría...?
He was born in Barbastro (Aragón) on January 9, 1902.
Studied law at the University of Zaragoza
In 1928, he founded Opus Dei.
Throughout his life he lived in Barbastro, Zaragoza, Logroño, Madrid and Rome.
He traveled to more than twenty countries and promoted various social initiatives.
He was a cheerful and sociable person.
He died in Rome on June 26, 1975.
He was canonized on October 6, 2002.
He was nicknamed by John Paul II "the saint of the ordinary".