Communication is a fundamental tool at work. How many times after a conversation do you leave with the impression that it was not successful or that you did not know how to express yourself properly. Saying everything you wanted to say, knowing how to construct the message is essential. For this reason, we offer you two courses on communication to face the fact of speaking in public and how you can use the conversation as a tool to resolve conflicts.
All sessions are given in person at campus of the University of Navarra in Madrid.
Paz Ugalde

We offer you two workshops given by Paz Ugalde, journalist and director of development of the School of Nursing of the University of Navarra. She specializes in interpersonal communication.
Courses already held
Course "Conversation as tool to resolve conflicts and improve human relations".

Discover the value of conversation as tool for conflict resolution, improve work, family or friendship relationships. Your communication always has an influence, positive or negative, it cannot be avoided. How to be a positive influence on the people around you? Do you know how you communicate? Have you ever stopped to think about the difference between talking and communicating? Your personal relationships will get better or worse depending on your conversations.
→ Friday, January 26, 2024
→ From 10:00 to 14:00 h.
→ Place: Campus de Madrid (C/ Marquesado de Santa Marta 3, Madrid)
→ classroom 4
Public Speaking" Course

Public speaking can be an almost impossible challenge to cope with, for some people it can be a fear that they struggle to cope with and it can paralyze them. Speak in public, face a conversation, improve your proposals, polish your presentations, make the work in team flow, improving your public speaking techniques and go from stage fright to the pleasure of public speaking.
→ Tuesday, November 7, 2023.
→ From 10:00 to 14:00 h.
→ Place: Campus de Madrid (C/ Marquesado de Santa Marta 3, Madrid).
→ conference room de Reuniones, 3. First floor.