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Day to day life on the hospital ward, at enquiry or at the health center can pose adverse situations with people, projects or the very burden of work can shake our positive attitude. Complicated challenges, contextual difficulties or fatigue itself can lead us to think that the problem or the solution is beyond our reach. We propose a reflection on leadership, motivation and attitude of the person with a strong vocation of service, such as the nursing professional.

What position to take in the face of difficulties can solve who and how to win the game to adversity. 

Aplicaciones anidadas



Santiago Álvarez de Mon

Professor at IESE, graduate in Law from Universidad Complutense de Madrid, PhD in Sociology and Political Science from Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca and Master's Degree in Economics and Business Management from IESE. He also works as consultant for companies in the areas of coaching, management of teams and leadership. He is the author of several books, such as El mito del líder ( Prentice Hall, 2009), No soy Superman (Prentice Hall, 2007), La lógica del corazón ( Deusto, 2005) and Desde la adversidad: liderazgo, cuestión de carácter ( Prentice Hall, 2003). He has also written numerous articles and papers for research.

Aplicaciones anidadas


More data of the course:

→ April 24, 2024. At 18:30 h.
→ Alumni Building.
→ Place: Campus de Madrid (C/ Marquesado de Santa Marta 3, Madrid).
→ classroom Magna
→ Free of charge


form for registration

training continues. School de Enfermería. Course "Do you win in adversity?"

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