

These are the latest news published by School of Pharmacy and Nutrition: 

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23 | 11 | 2016

"Personalized medicine to treat and prevent disease is going to be a reality soon."

TextoLaura Juampérez



23 | 11 | 2016

The University, issue 1 in Spain and 37th in the world in the 2017 QS Employability Ranking.

ImagenManuel Castells


15 | 11 | 2016

"In East Anglia they put the focus of teaching on the pharmacist-patient relationship."

TextoLaura Juampérez


15 | 11 | 2016

Bionanoplus, spin-off created by alumni of the University, starts clinical trials of a drug for atopic dermatitis.

TextoLaura Juampérez


07 | 11 | 2016

Pharmacy commits to European Antibiotic Prudent Use Day

TextoLaura Juampérez

ImagenManuel Castells


03 | 11 | 2016

Nearly 200 students at the University's Autumn Career Forum

TextoLaura Juampérez


27 | 10 | 2016

The Autumn Career Forum has arrived

TextoLaura Juampérez


27 | 10 | 2016

The University's project Nanocore Biotech wins the first national award of Banco Santander's Yuzz program.



26 | 10 | 2016

Exercising intensely for 10 minutes a day financial aid to reduce the risk of developing cancer.

TextoLaura Juampérez

ImagenManuel Castells


17 | 10 | 2016

"Probiotics are suitable for everyone, also for children and even babies."

TextoLaura Juampérez

ImagenManuel Castells