

These are the latest news published by School of Pharmacy and Nutrition: 

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07 | 11 | 2014

The School Pharmacy presents its history in multimedia format.

TextoMiriam Salcedo

ImagenUniversity of Navarra

07 | 11 | 2014

The project "Por una comida sana, tú decides" (For a healthy meal, you decide), awarded by the Ministry of Health

TextoMiriam Salcedo


03 | 11 | 2014

Javier Aranceta, award "Doctor Gregorio Marañón" of the Royal Spanish Academy of Gastronomy.

TextoMiriam Salcedo


31 | 10 | 2014

Alumni Weekend kicks off the celebration of the 50th anniversary of School Pharmacy

TextoMiriam Salcedo

ImagenManuel Castells

27 | 10 | 2014

Yolanda Barcina: "The University of Navarra has played an essential role in the development of the Comunidad Foral".

TextoRaquel Astibia

ImagenManuel Castells

24 | 10 | 2014

Specialists from the University of Navarra and the Institute of Public Health of Navarra participate in roundtable on Ebola.

TextoPatricia Sáinz de Robredo

23 | 10 | 2014

The School of Pharmacy celebrates its 50th anniversary

TextoMiriam Salcedo

22 | 10 | 2014

56 graduating classes of the University meet at Alumni Weekend

ImagenManuel Castells

21 | 10 | 2014

More than 1,000 attendees at the activities of knowledge dissemination scientific Pharmacy in the 2013-2014 academic year.

TextoMiriam Salcedo

ImagenManuel Castells

17 | 10 | 2014

Tabuenca: "Excellence means making a difference, you have to prepare and train to be versatile".

TextoMiriam Salcedo

ImagenManuel Castells