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Ethics for machines: how to teach your robot to behave itself

video etica para maquinas

presentacion etica para maquinas

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Ethics for machines: how to teach your robot to behave itself

seminar from group Science, Reason and Faith.
Gonzalo Genova. Pamplona, April 9, 2019.


Gonzalo Génova is Senior Associate Professor at department of Computer Science at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. He is a Telecommunications Engineer (UPM'1992), graduate at Philosophy (UNAV'1996) and PhD in Computer Engineering (UC3M'2003). His main lines of research and teaching, which reflect his strong interdisciplinary character, focus on modeling and modeling languages in software engineering and the engineering of requirements, as well as the philosophical foundations of information systems, artificial intelligence and ethics for engineers. As a popularizer he writes the blog "Of Machines and Intentions - Reflections on Technology, Science and Society" ( In 2018 he won one of the "Open Reason" awards in the category of "teaching".


Intelligent systems are going to be increasingly present in our lives, from autonomous vehicles to systems that advise judges on their decisions, to banks to grant a loan, etc. At final, they are systems that will have to make decisions that are highly ethical. This status raises the question, can we teach ethics to machines? In this talk I will explain for the uninitiated what artificial intelligence is, and in particular how a computational system can modify its behaviour by learning from the environment, or from the behaviour of human beings. In the end, the most important reflection is, what can we learn about ethics that we are able to make a robot learn?