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24 | 01 | 2012

Protein may reduce need for transplantation in patients with fulminant hepatitis

ImagenManuel Castells

18 | 01 | 2012

''DNA can be corrected to reduce the frequency of diseases such as Alzheimer's or cancer''.

ImagenManuel Castells

12 | 01 | 2012

''Without science there is no culture''

ImagenManuel Castells

11 | 01 | 2012

Fertilizers 'tailored' to plant needs

ImagenManuel Castells

09 | 12 | 2011

The soils of the beech forests of humid Navarre are in a good state of conservation.

ImagenManuel Castells

28 | 11 | 2011

An expert from the University of Navarra highlights the rich biodiversity of the Autonomous Community of Navarre

ImagenManuel Castells

22 | 11 | 2011

Arturo Ariño, new director of department of Zoology and Ecology

ImagenManuel Castells

21 | 11 | 2011

A scientist from CIMA of the University of Navarra receives 1.5 million euros to study the mechanisms of cancer.

ImagenManuel Castells

16 | 11 | 2011

"The research on new drugs will enable the selection of individualized therapies for patients with leukemias, lymphomas and myelomas."

ImagenManuel Castells

15 | 11 | 2011

2011 Science and Nature Photography Contest Awards Presented

ImagenLeyre Mozota

15 | 11 | 2011

''New magnetic devices will make it possible to know how our brain or our heart works without altering them''

ImagenManuel Castells

11 | 11 | 2011

The group of research 'Science, Reason and Faith' and the School of Sciences organize a lecture on Georges Lemaître, father of the Big Bang Theory.

ImagenJosé Carlos Cordovilla



Enrique Cobos
C/ Irunlarrea, 1
31008 Pamplona - Spain
+34 948 425600 (806579)