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13 | 12 | 2013

"Neuroscience explains aspects of human action, but it is not the only source of truth."

TextoIsabel Solana


05 | 12 | 2013

"Models of cooperation between religion and state must be established in the EU to curb the trend towards the reduction of social freedom."

TextoIsabel Teixeira Da Mota

ImagenCarlota Cortés

05 | 12 | 2013

Ana Marta González and Lourdes Flamarique discuss the change in the 'emotional regime' of our societies.

ImagenManuel Castells

28 | 11 | 2013

NCID organizes a seminar on the indices for measuring poverty

TextoCarlota Cortés

28 | 11 | 2013

UN expert gives session at NCID on how to reduce poverty through trade

TextoCarlota Cortés

ImagenCarlota Cortés

28 | 11 | 2013

"Forgiveness does not eliminate the demands of justice because it does not imply capitulating to evil, but recognizing and rejecting it."

TextoIsabel Teixeira Da Mota

ImagenCarlota Cortés

27 | 11 | 2013

Institute for Culture and Societyparticipation in activities of other centers and universities (November 2013)

TextoIsabel Solana

27 | 11 | 2013

"In European Union policies, statistics on Education and health are gaining weight equal to that of Economics"

TextoIsabel Teixeira

ImagenManuel Castells

22 | 11 | 2013

"The academic knowledge should permeate social life and this, in turn, should stimulate the scientific development "

TextoIsabel Solana

ImagenManuel Castells

22 | 11 | 2013

"Geographical features and corruption are the main factors conditioning extreme poverty in the Philippines."

TextoIsabel Solana

ImagenManuel Castells



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31008 Pamplona, Spain

+34 948 425615
