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Institute for Culture and Societyparticipation in activities of other centers and universities (November 2013)

27/11/13 18:37 Isabel Solana

Project 'Emotional culture and identity'

Alejandro N. García gave a course on 'Culture and Society' at the International University of Catalonia from November 4 to 8. He also gave the course 'Theory of Organizations' at the Universidad del Istmo (Guatemala) from November 25 to 29.



Pilar León was the organizer and speaker of the program 'Clinical Ethics: physicians' relationships with each other', organized by the committee of Deontology of the high school Official Medical Association of Navarra from October 23 to November 16. He also participated with a discussion paper in XVIII PADIS - Programa de Alta Direcção de Instituições de Saúde, held on November 18 by AESE-Escola de Direcção e Negócios in Oporto (Portugal). In his speech he focused on 'Ethics in Hospital Institutions'.



Lourdes Flamarique gave the session 'Lifestyles and cultural change' at ISEM Fashion Business School in Madrid.




Aurora Bernal presented the communication 'Emotional competences and leadership educational' in the XXXII Interuniversity seminar Theory of the Education, organized by the University of Cantabria from 10 to 13 November. 




Education of Affectivity and Human Sexuality

Jokin de Irala and Carlos Beltramo attended as speakers at the VI International Pro-Life congress , held in Guayaquil (Ecuador) from November 8 to 10. The former gave two lectures, entitled 'Bioethical Aspects that affect the family' and 'Promotion of contraception and sexual Education ', and the intervention of the latter was entitled 'Why do pro-lifers work so hard and achieve so little? Likewise, in the high school Irabia (Pamplona) they gave a session of training for the use of the didactic material of Education sexual. For his part, Jokin de Irala gave the lecture 'Parents committed to the happiness of their children' at high school Nuestra Señora del Pilar in Arequipa (Peru) on November 5 and gave the discussion paper 'They also want to know' at the RedMadre charity dinner in Vigo. 

project 'Natural law and rationality internship'

Alejandro Vigo was in Chile from November 18 to 22. congress There, he gave one of the keynote lectures at the IV International Conference on Phenomenology and Hermeneutics, organized by the Universidad Nacional Andrés Bello, in Santiago de Chile. He also gave a lecture at the Universidad de los Andes. 




Mariano Crespo intervened in the X International congress of the Spanish Society of Phenomenology, 'Phenomenology, experience and reason. 2013. In the centenary of Ideas I', which took place in Barcelona from 27 to 29 November. He offered the discussion paper 'Some difficulties of the teleological-theological performance of Husserlian ethics'.



project 'Mind-brain'

Nathaniel Barret attended the meeting annual meeting of the American Academy of Religion, held in Baltimore from November 23 to 26.




Javier Bernácer and Luis Echarte jointly presented two posters at the annual meetings of the International Neuroethics Society (November 8) and the Society for Neuroscience (November 9-13), both in San Diego (USA). The first paper was entitled 'The Problem of Disembodiment in Andy Clark's Approach to Human Identity' and the second, 'Medicalization of Emotions and the Paradox of Authenticity'. 


Navarra Center for International Development

Luis Ravina traveled to the Philippines from October 31 to November 12. The goal was to establish contacts for future research of the center in that country.




Luis Alberiko Gil-Alaña was at Strathmore University in Nairobi, Kenya, from November 18 to 22. He gave a course on Econometrics. In addition, visit served to work with Robert Mudida, partner of NCID, and to maintain contact with the World Bank.



Pedro Mendi was in New York from November 23-27 to work with Luis Cabral of New York University Stern.





project ATLANTES

Carlos Centeno participated in the meeting of the scientific committee of the Hospital de Cuidados Laguna (Madrid) on November 22. He also attended, together with Eduardo Garralda, the INSUP-C's General Assembly meeting: Integrated Palliative Care, organized by the European Commission (FP7 Health Innovation 2012) in Leuven (Belgium) on November 8. 



project 'Religion and Civil Society'

Montserrat Herrero offered the discussion paper "The political theology of St. Augustine in De Civitate Dei" at the international colloquium 'Amores duo, civitates duas. Reler De Civitate Dei de Sto. Agostinho', organized by IFP - high school de Filosofia Prática at the Universidade da Beira Interior (Portugal) on November 14 and 15. 



Angela Miceli presented a paper at the annual international lecture of The University of Notre Dame Center for Ethics and Culture (Notre Dame du Lac University, Indiana, USA), entitled 'Earfully and Wonderfully Made: The Body and Human Identity'. She also took part in the organization and acted as moderator of the table 'Public Health'.



Raquel Lázaro discussion paper gave a talk on "The Conditions of Religious Freedom" at the International lecture "St. Josemaría and Theological Thought," which took place November 14-16 at the Pontificia Università della Santa Croce (Italy).







