15 | 04 | 2015
Spain needs 1,500 more palliative experts to be able to care for more than 125,000 patients
TextoAna Maria Perez
10 | 04 | 2015
Daniel Moulin, appointed researcher associate of the Center for programs of study of Education of the University of Warwick
TextoIsabel Solana
ImagenManuel Castells
10 | 04 | 2015
Eight highlights of Institute for Culture and Society 's activities between April and June 2015
TextoIsabel Solana
ImagenCarlota Cortés
09 | 04 | 2015
An ICS Malian PhD student researches in Paris on human rights and immigration in the Spanish and French systems.
TextoIsabel Solana
09 | 04 | 2015
MODERNA and NCID advise South Africa on its regional development Plan
TextoModern Foundation
27 | 03 | 2015
Institute for Culture and Society: participation in activities of other centers and universities (March 2015)
27 | 03 | 2015
Carlos Centeno and Jokin de Irala participate in the XXI General Assembly of the Pontifical Academy pro Vita
TextoIsabel Solana
27 | 03 | 2015
"The Humanities They are not interested in solving technical problems: they seek to deepen reflection and dialogue."
TextoIsabel Solana
ImagenCarlota Cortés
27 | 03 | 2015
About thirty experts from 8 countries discussion at the University on the challenges of the research in Humanities
TextoIsabel Solana
ImagenRaquel Arilla
26 | 03 | 2015
"The Humanities they have a lot to offer society when it comes to the great challenges of the 21st century."
TextoIsabel Solana
ImagenCarlota Cortés