
In the media: a roundtable held at the School of Architecture reflects on the housing problem

During the colloquium , the contribution of architectural and university solutions to the current housing problem was analyzed.

On Friday, March 21, in the framework of the Chair Nasuvinsa Territorio y Vivienda, a colloquium was organized at the School of Architecture with the director of Housing of the Basque Government, Pablo García Astrain, with the Director General of Housing of the Government of Navarra, Elga Molina Roig, and with professors with the goal of analyzing the contribution of solutions from architecture and the university field to the current housing problem.

Given the interest and need to address the issue from various areas of knowledge, the topic was discussed from different points of view: urban planning, urban regeneration, sustainability, urban management , projects, construction and industrialization...

The event was public and was attended by students and professors of the School of Architecture. It was moderated by Asier Santas, director of the Chair Nasuvinsa of Territory and Housing and director of the department of Theory, Projects and Urbanism of the School of Architecture.


Diario de Navarra: "Navarra, facing the challenge of building decent housing without cost overruns".

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