Rapport of teaching e research
The interpenetration of teaching and research is one of the distinctive and quality features of the School of Architecture of the University of Navarra. The production of doctoral thesis , patents and technical publications is not merely an element of enrichment and glitter for the curriculum staff of the professors, but a fundamental basis for ensuring both their selection and the updating and quality of their performance in their own work professor.
Among the School's commitment to research is its Publishing Services, which periodically publishes books and magazines on various topics related to architecture, construction, Building , etc. In addition, it also publishes a detailed collection of papers and communications given at the congresses and biennials held at School of Architecture.
The centre also has its own laboratory of Building , in the same building, with an updated and extensive Library Services of Materials (more than 10,000) that allows a real and direct contact with the instruments of the professional work and the performance of experimental tests.
Our Departments
In agreement with the Identity and mission statement of the University, they strive for excellence in the development research and in the teaching of their faculty. They promote and encourage the research and academic activity of their professors, elaborate the teaching plans and, through all of the above, ensure the best training of students.

department of Theory, Projects and Urbanism

Department of Building Construction, Services and Structures
The goal is the training and research on the Building in its broadest aspect, from rehabilitation to energy efficiency, from digital models to the implementation of circular Economics measures.
This initiative, with more than a decade of experience, aims to disseminate and give relevance to the management forest heritage and develop a culture of wood as a material and its use in construction.
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laboratory of Architecture

The laboratory of the School of Architecture (archLAB) includes in its facilities the new laboratory of digital fabrication (FabLab) and the renewed laboratory of Building. The archLAB is in continuous evolution since its foundation and currently provides services both internally at teaching and research, as well as externally to professionals, companies and administrations.