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University experience

Aplicaciones anidadas

Aplicaciones anidadas


What makes us different? Why do our students choose us?

Estudios_ Experiencia_Universitaria_Texto_Introduccion

The student has always been and will continue to be at the centre of the University of Navarra's School of Architecture .

The building, an environment that favours work, project-based teaching that involves student in its training, the possibility of exchanges at other universities and international internships, the human training, the close relationship between teachers and students... 

Find out what makes us different through the protagonists: our students.


From students, alumni and teachers to prospective students

In first person

Aplicaciones anidadas

Aplicaciones anidadas


Architecture and design, beyond classrooms and workshops


The School has an ambitious commitment to accompany its regular professor activity at all times with a dense programme of Cultural Activities Office, consisting of conferences, exhibitions, round tables, workshops, professional programmes and congresses.

It is a decisive complement to the training of its students, but also an indispensable element for the nourishment of the dynamism of its activity as a whole, on subject teaching and research. 

Discover all the activities organised at the school.

Aplicaciones anidadas



Aplicaciones anidadas

Aplicaciones anidadas


Beyond the classroom Lectures

The School hosts weekly lectures by internationally renowned architects.

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Beyond the classroom Competitions

Acknowledgements awarded by the School of Architecture: PFC Cátedra Madera and SketchUp-Joaquín Lorda.

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Beyond the classroom Drawing Architecture in Spain

A course that combines teaching and travel through a special and simple methodology: fast drawing.

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