Progress on the Final Projects degree program: Master of Architecture students present the Sketches Phase
Last Friday, December 20, the students of Master's Degree University in Architecture, the Double Master's Degree University in Architecture and Sustainability, and the Double Master's Degree University in Architecture and Real Estate participated in the jury of the sketch phase of their Final Projects degree program. This workshop marked an important milestone in the development of their work, combining creativity, analysis and public exhibition in front of a professional jury.
An intense and enriching workshop
The activity began early in the emblematic atrium of the Alumni Building, where Miguel Ángel Alonso del Val, professor and former director of the School of Architecturewelcomed students, professors and invited architects. After some initial words to set the tone of the event, photographs were taken of group that immortalized the meeting of both the students and the jury, made up of prominent professionals in the architectural field coming mainly from Madrid and Pamplona.
The jury started at 9:00 a.m. and lasted until 2:30 p.m., structured in three rounds of presentations. Each student had five minutes to orally present the main idea of his or her project, supported by the analysis of the surroundings, plans of status and initial details of design. Additionally, the students presented conceptual mock-ups that helped visualize the architectural approaches in a tangible way and enriched the discussion.
Jury dynamics
Organized in groups of work, the jury provided detailed feedback at the end of each round. These comments were aimed at strengthening the projects and guiding them towards a more solid development in the following phases. To ensure a broad view and multidisciplinary, the jury members rotated among the different groups. This approach allowed the students to receive diverse suggestions and enrich their proposals with varied perspectives.
After the first two rounds of presentations, there was a break during which a small snack and coffee were offered, allowing for a moment of relaxation and informal dialogue among the attendees. The workshop concluded with the last round of presentations, after which the jury shared their final advice and evaluations.
Next steps towards excellence
Once the workshop is finished, students will receive in the next few days an email from their tutors indicating if their project is considered Pass to advance to the next phase. Those who do not obtain the approval will have to work on the improvements indicated in order to present them next January 10, after the Christmas vacation period. This process ensures that all projects reach an optimal level of development before moving forward in the academic cycle.
The jury is not only a technical test , but also a comprehensive learning experience that allows students to demonstrate their communication skills, defend their ideas and reflect on the comments of professionals with extensive experience.
Text written by: Marta Hernández Aldaz, student of Master's Degree University in Architecture.