

Case studies of first year architecture students from the city of Lagos for the subject "Contemporary Art and Architecture" taught by Álvaro Velasco and Javier Antón.

The exhibition 'Lagos', from the subject Contemporary Art & Architecture, showed a archive of case studies of the Nigerian capital that have been chosen and explained by 1st year Architecture students based on the text of 'Mutations' by Rem Koolhaas.

The exhibition, directed by professors Álvaro Velasco and Javier Antón and carried out by the 1st year students, was a 'mindmap' that sample case studies corresponding to the ten topics covered in Koolhaas' text. The students were organized in teams of 12 and had to analyze the topic in question and show each one a case study of their choice that was related to that topic. For the work the teams had the help of financial aid from the student collaborators of subject: Rodrigo Villalón, Joaquín Alarcón, Pablo Bestard, María Fernández Sangil, Amaia Lasa, Carla Martínez, Andrea Quiroz, Juan Rigo and Aitana Sáez.

"What I liked most was learning about the architecture of Lagos, now I have a very broad perception of it," says student Daniela Ortega.

In the subject Contemporary Art and Architecture 1st grade students review five cities (New York, São Paolo, Tokyo, Lagos and New Babylon) through different texts along the semester.

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