News from the School
29 | 08 | 2014
Schools Ecclesiastical: with proper name. July-August 2014
ImagenManuel Castells
27 | 06 | 2014
Schools Ecclesiastical: with its own name. June 2014
ImagenManuel Castells
20 | 06 | 2014
The financial aid that the faithful provide to the Church in its financial needs, topic of a doctoral thesis
09 | 06 | 2014
Seven students of the Schools Ecclesiastics were invested with doctorates.
TextoFina Trèmols
ImagenManuel Castells
06 | 06 | 2014
Investiture ceremony of 152 new PhDs
TextoLoreto Marquez
ImagenManuel Castells
06 | 06 | 2014
Legal liability and management financial responsibility of ecclesiastical bodies
ImagenManuel Castells
04 | 06 | 2014
The CARF Foundation allocates 600,000 euros to scholarships for students of the Schools Ecclesiastical
TextoFina Trèmols
28 | 05 | 2014
Schools Ecclesiastical: with its own name. May 2014
06 | 05 | 2014
Topic guides by contemporary theologians
TextoFina Trèmols
ImagenManuel Castells
05 | 05 | 2014
"Good can never be refund"
TextoFina Trèmols
ImagenManuel Castells
Mª Jesús Cantalapiedra
manager from speech of the Schools
mcantal@unav.esCampus University
31009 Pamplona, Spain
+34 948 42 56 00 ext. 802629