On Church-State concordats in various Eastern European countries
The President of the Péter Pázmány Catholic University of Budapest led a seminar of professors
Last Tuesday, March 18, Professor Anzelm Szuromi, President of the Péter Pázmány Catholic University of Budapest (Hungary), gave a lecture lecture at the seminar for professors of the School of Canon Lawdegree scroll "Della legislazione successiva alla trasformazione dei rapporti tra Chiesa e Stato nell'Europa centro-orientale, nello specchio 1990".
Professor Szuromi discussed the concordats signed between Church and State during the last decades in various countries of Eastern Europe, aimed at creating legal guarantees for an adequate separation between the two institutions. The goal of these agreements is to ensure the free and public exercise by citizens of their rights and duties derived from the principles of freedom of conscience and religion, and the disappearance of any discrimination based on religious grounds.
Countries such as Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Slovakia and Slovenia have signed agreements with the Church that can be described as "collaborative concordats", based on an open perception on the part of the States towards the religious convictions of their citizens.
In the subsequent question and answer session, there was an opportunity for further discussion at development of the meaning in these countries of terms such as neutrality or positive secularism on the part of the States.