Professor Javier Hervada, one of the most prestigious canonists of the 20th century, dies
Full Professor at the University of Navarra, he also devoted himself to Natural Law and the Philosophy of Law.

Javier Hervada, Full Professor of Canon Law of the University of Navarra, has passed away in Pamplona. Internationally considered one of the most prestigious canonists of the twentieth century, the professor developed most of his academic degree program in this University, to which he was linked since 1957.
Born in Barcelona on February 7, 1934, he obtained the licentiate degree in Law at the University of Barcelona (1951-1956) and the Degree of Doctor in Law in 1958 at the Central University of Madrid (today Complutense University). Subsequently, he graduated from Canon Law at the University of Navarra, where he also defended the thesis in 1962.
In 1964 he obtained the Chair in this discipline in the University of Zaragoza, in whose School of Law he was before attachment; status that he made compatible with the teaching in the Schools of Law and Canon Law of the University of Navarra.
Since 1965 he was Full Professor of Canon Law in this campus of Pamplona; and since 1981, ordinary of Natural Law and Philosophy of Law. He also taught both disciplines at the Ateneo Romano (now University) della Santa Croce, in Rome, from 1985 to 1990. Among the academic government functions he held, are those of Dean of the School of Law of the University of Navarra, from 1973 to 1984, and Associate Dean of Canon Law from 1991 to 1993.
"A master with a great scientific output."Professor Hervada promoted and directed influential scientific journals ("Ius Canonicum", "Persona y Derecho", with its supplements "Fidelium Iura" and "Humana Iura"), as well as the series of monographs "Colección canónica"; and research centers such as the high school Martín de Azpilcueta or the high school de Derechos Humanos.
In 1998, the Spanish Ministry of Justice awarded him the Cross of Honor of the Order of St. Raymond of Peñafort. In 1999, John Paul II named him Knight Commander of the Order of St. Gregory the Great and in 2002 he received the doctorate honoris causa at the School of Canon Law of the Pontificia Università della Santa Croce.
His scientific production includes 26 books, some of them with numerous editions and translations, and a hundred articles in specialized journals. In mid-2019 his Obra completa on line was published in the digital archive of the University of Navarra (DADUN). In November it already had almost 8,000 downloads. On the other hand, he directed 66 doctoral thesis and several doctoral works have been carried out on his thought.
"He was what in academic life is properly called a master, for the transcendence of his thought and for the abundance of fruits of his work professor and his generous dedication to the promotion of the research and the training of researchers", says the professor of the School of Canon Law Jorge Miras.
- Semblanza written by Rafael Domingo, Full Professor de Roman Law
- Semblanza written by Jorge Miras, professor of Administrative Law canonical