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The University submission Silver Medal to 104 professionals

"During these years you have been protagonists of the life of the University: of its achievements, of its progress, of the task of service carried out," says the President

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PHOTO: Manuel Castells
30/01/17 09:12

work Today, the University of Navarra celebrated the Silver Medal ceremony at submission for professionals who have been with the academic center for 25 years. In total, 104 people have received this distinction, 95 from campus in Pamplona and San Sebastián, and 9 from IESE, who received the medal on December 22 at a ceremony in Barcelona.

In the history of the University, a total of 2,141 people have obtained this award , which adds up to more than 50,000 years of work dedicated to the institution, which currently has 4,542 professionals, among its campus in Pamplona, Barcelona, Madrid and San Sebastian.

The ceremony was held in the Museum Theater, with the intervention of President, Alfonso Sánchez-Tabernero, who addressed the medalists with these words: "During these years you have been protagonists of the life of the University of Navarra: of its achievements, of its progress, of the service work carried out".

"He added that in recent years we have suffered a complicated economic and political situation. In this sense, he assured that the University has made every effort to defend the rights of employees and students. "The only desire of those of us who run the University is to ensure its economic viability and, at the same time, to make it one of the best places in the world to work." "We know that after the storm comes the sun, which illuminates, gives warmth and erases the memory of the bad times in one fell swoop," he concluded.

To make you dream

"We have many years left in this exciting task of making the University of Navarra day by day," said Professor Jokin de Irala, who spoke on behalf of the medalists. "We make people dream. Every year new students enter the University and come dreaming, and as they try to finish their degrees they continue to dream and effectively achieve their dreams," stressed the professor from the School of Medicine.

Likewise, paraphrasing Victor Pauchet, he pointed out that the most productive work is the one that comes out of the hands of a happy person. "It must be that we have all been happy working these years here because our university is very productive as different rankings show," he said.

The professor also referred to the University's statement of core values . "According to this inspiration, the work is a means, a path, which can lead to a great spiritual elevation and which leads to God. This conception of work requires doing it well and taking care of all the details."

Four trajectories

Among the recipients of the Silver Medal was Carmen Rumeu, director of Nursing at the Clínica Universidad de NavarraThe family atmosphere she has experienced since she started working at the hospital is one of the most important aspects of her work. "There are people who say that it has changed a lot. It is true that the Clinic has become very big and the University too, but there is an opportunity to meet many more people and within this environment you can also create that family atmosphere that there has been from the beginning, and establish relationships and friendships with many people."

Enrique Baquero, professor at School of Sciences, emphasized: "When one works at ease in an institution and does not notice how time goes by, trying to move forward, the truth is that it is appreciated".

Monserrat Herrero, professor of Philosophy Monserrat Herrero said that the essentials have not changed, but many aspects have, because "no institution can survive over time without looking to the future.

"These 25 years have gone by very fast," according to Francisco Javier Bada, director of Maintenance Service. "We have pushed many projects. But above all, many people close to us have passed through who have finally found their place in society. We have trained many people, and that fills you with satisfaction".



