Ruta de navegación

bandera representantes

Asesoramiento, represantes y alumnos internos




Representantes basico


Aplicaciones anidadas

representantes tex

The student representative body favors the necessary institutional dialogue between students, professors and administration in order to achieve the educational objectives of the University of Navarra.

Student participation in the governance of School takes place through the Course Councils, which are elected by vote at the beginning of each year academic year. All of them elect the students who will be their representatives during the academic year. The functions of the committee are:

  • It acts as an interlocutor and information channel between the students, the coordinator of the course and the management committee of the School.

  • It evaluates teaching every six months by means of a report, in which it makes observations and proposals for improvement.

  • Organises Cultural Activities Office, academic and sporting events.

  • He represents the students at the Teachers' meetings of the School.

Aplicaciones anidadas


Course coordinators

Contact coordinator for your course

+ info


Student representatives 24/25

Delegate: Javier Cortijo Rojo
Subdelegate: Isabella Aguerri González

Aplicaciones anidadas



delegados de educacion


1ST Education A





Madeleine Espinoza Sabando


Javier María Agúndez Aguerrea

board member 1

Sara Zizhu Goñi Asensio

board member 2

Alexandra Katarzyna Galka

1ST Education B





Marc Tresserras Camos


Gabriela Muñoz Abós

board member 1

Rebeca Murgui Rodríguez

board member 2

Natalia Pueyo Mora



Ariela Goldenstein


Flavia Martell Turcios

board member 1

Alessia Grunauer Aguirre

board member 2

Flavia Hurtado Guzman

board member 3

María Fernanda Leal Sagrera

board member 4

María de la Exaltación Fernández-Figueroa Uceda

board member 5

María Oroz Ruiz de la Cuesta



Marianela Martínez Navarro


Ana Sofia Molina Castillo

board member 1

Gabiela Pemán Falcón

board member 2

Lucía Ávila Molina

board member 3

Andrea Ruiz de Arcaute Sarralde

board member 4

Blanca Rodríguez Puerta




Paula Maiz Aizpurúa


Gabriela Reina Latorre

board member 1

Martina García Ramos 

board member 2

María de los Reyes Hidalgo Muñoz



Enrique Miranda García-Fresca


Javier Cortijo Rojo

board member 1

Andrea Echart González



delegados de psicologia


1st Psychology A






María Zita Bernar Jiménez-Eguizábal


Ignacio Nicolás Cortés Vidal of Villalonga

board member 1

María Toranzos Guillén

board member 2

Lucía Fuster Ordovás

1st Psychology B






Claudia Ruiz de Erenchun Vera


Marta Más López

board member 1

Gabriela Vázquez Orbaiceta

board member 2

Lucía Zugasti Calvo



Carlota San Quintín Iglesias


Amelia Wefer

board member 1

Sara Zizhu López Checchini

board member 2

María Reimúndez Torija

board member 3

Nerea Prieto Alberdi

board member 4

Juan Castro Diaz




María Isabel García Navarro


Priscila Acedo Mestre

board member 1

Ana López-Pardo Ferrer

board member 2

Alfonso Osorio Mora

board member 3

Teresa González-Simancas Carballo



Sara Leache Miguel


Isabella Aguerri Zamora

board member 1

Blanca Navas Santaella

board member 2

Cristina Cordón Gonzalo

board member 3

Martina Larrea Timpe


Asesoramiento basico


Aplicaciones anidadas

Aplicaciones anidadas

asesoramiento tex

Counselling is part of the University of Navarra's project educational , which aspires to the comprehensivetraining of its students. To this end, so that they can develop their full potential and make the most of all aspects of university life, it provides student committee and guidance.

Algunos de los objetivos del asesoramiento son los siguientes:

Counselling provides student with the committee and guidance of a lecturer from their first years at the University and throughout their programs of study.

Some of the objectives of the counselling are as follows:

  • To inform and guide students in the beginning of their university studies.

  • Contribute to training in personal habits and professional skills.

  • Guidance on the academic pathway .

  • Decision-making in the field of vocational guidance.


contacto-beatriz-fuertes Duplicado 2


Teresa Grandal

Teresa Grandal

Ismael Sánchez Bella Building

31009 Pamplona, Spain

+34 948 425600 x806563


alumnos internos basico

Boarding students

Aplicaciones anidadas


Student Interns are students, preferably from advanced courses of the Degrees, who join a department to carry out university partnership tasks, compatible with their dedication to study, which contribute to their scientific and professionaltraining .

Aplicaciones anidadas


  • Teaching tasks: partnership with the assigned teachers in the tasks deemed appropriate.

  • Research tasks: participation in research projects of department. In some cases, the intern student has the possibility of joining a research team, contributing with his or her work to development of a given project, participating in the seminars of the research team, etc.

  • Tasks of training: participation in sessions of training and seminars organised by department, in order to enable student interns to develop their task in the best possible way.

Since the goal of the appointment is not to collaborate in the work of the department but the training of the student.

In their partnership task, each student will be guided by a teacher who will direct their work.

The partnership will be during the academic year. In each case, it is up to the teacher to decide with the student when he/she will develop his/her work of partnership.

The appointment of student Intern will be granted to students in higher grades who have a grade average equal to or higher than 7.5.

Applications should be submitted between 1 and 15 June to administrative office at School.

The application form application can be found at available on the website. It must be submitted, duly filled in, together with the CV of candidate, the letter of agreement from mentor and a brief description of project and the tasks to be carried out (if this cannot be specified, it can be sent to submit at a later date).

The board of the School will decide on its award or refusal final.

The beneficiaries undertake to collaborate in the Departments to which they have been assigned, under the supervision of the teacher who will direct their work.

At the end of the course period, the tutor of the Internal student will evaluate their work, with the approval of the department and the board of the School. In addition, the student must submit to the management of department a report stating: the time spent, the work performed, the learning achieved and a self-assessment of their performance. In the event that the assessment is positive, the students' academic transcript will record their partnership as student Intern, which may be reflected in the academic certificates issued.

The status of student Intern is understood to be granted for the academic year in which it is granted.

All they have to do is submit their application at deadline stating that they were already a boarding student at department the previous year. If they wish to change department, they must follow the process and conditions of those who apply for the first time.

contacto-beatriz-fuertes Duplicado 2


Teresa Grandal

Teresa Grandal

Ismael Sánchez Bella Building

31009 Pamplona, Spain

+34 948 425600 x806563