The Focused Course of programs of study on Women is designed for people who wish to understand today's world with a broad historical perspective, which makes History and Culture present.
Achieving effective equality between women and men requires a complete, real and authentic vision of events. To this end, it is necessary to rescue from oblivion the real protagonism that women have had not only in the past, but also in our recent history.
Today, it is a priority to achieve equal rights and opportunities for women and men. An essential first step is the research and dissemination of women's contribution throughout history in order to help uncover a history that, until now, has been poorly told.
To offer quality education that responds to the demand for women's studies as one of the specific needs of our time.
To provide student body with an interdisciplinaryEducation on the contributions of women that will enable them to learn about the past, interpret the present and thus learn about the future;
To train people capable of understanding today's world with a broad historical perspective, making women's contributions to history and culture present in society.
To disseminate the main contributions made by women in the world of human, social, legal, artistic and health sciences;
promote the visibility of women in the university environment.
Innovate in educational activities linked to equality.
manager Academic (Director of the Programme) Pablo Pérez López |
Coordinator professor MªCruz Díaz de Terán Velasco |
Tutor Teresa Reina Uribe |
Technical secretariat |
Module |
Title |
professor manager |
Mod. |
Women in Contemporary History, of an introductory nature. |
Prof. Pablo Pérez |
topic |
Pioneers in the programs of study on women, integrated in module I (Pioneras) |
Profª. Inmaculada Alva |
topic |
Women's Suffragism in Spain and the United States, integrated in module I (Pioneers) |
Profª. Inmaculada Alva |
topic |
Women's access to the University. Siglos XIX y XX, integrated in module I (Pioneras) |
Profª. Mercedes Montero |
topic |
Women in Western Literature, integrated in module I (Pioneers) |
Prof. Javier de Navascues |
topic |
Women and rationality, integrated in module I (Pioneers) |
Profª. Paloma Pérez-Ilzarbe |
topic |
Women in war conflicts, integrated in module I (Pioneers) |
Profªs. Ana Choperena and María López |
topic |
Women in the plastic arts, integrated in module I (Pioneers) |
Profª. Marta Carrasco |
topic |
The representation of women in film, integrated in module I (Pioneers) |
Profª. Gema Peréz |
topic |
Women in the world... how many of us are there?, integrated in module II (Recent Contributions) |
Profª. Dolores López |
topic |
Women in the context of the United Nations, integrated in module II (Recent Contributions) |
Profª. MªCruz Díaz de Terán |
topic |
Women and development, integrated in module II (Recent Contributions) |
Blanca Moreno-Dobson |
Reading and text commentary. This activity will consist of careful reading and the elaboration of a commentary chosen by the student/ a among those suggested in each module. This commentary must follow the indications of academic staff. |
Women in Science module, through 6 videos produced by the UN's Science Museum. |
6 synchronous classes:
Major Tenets of New Feminism |
Profª. Aneta Gawkowska |
- The methodology professor is based on the guided online teaching and on self-directed learning, with the supervision and financial aid of academic staff personalized.
- The programme is structured in 14 thematic units. The content of each of them is programmed to be taken during one week, in order to achieve the objectives of each one and make it easier for student body to follow them.
- The student body has the opportunity to choose and take the 12 units from the 14 units that best suit their learning needs.
- The learning resources and activities foreseen by subject are:
guide professor which will include guidelines for following the course, calendar, etc. and requirements, access and use of the virtual classroom .
Videos explaining the main contents.
Six live classes.
Articles and documents of compulsory and recommended reading.
Links to online documentation and recommended websites.
Recommended bibliography.
Participation in Forums.
Final paper.
questionnaire from evaluation final.
Any person. No special prior knowledge is required to follow the course. It is recommended, that the candidate has:
Intellectual restlessness that pushes them to development of the necessary tools to go deeper into the scientific knowledge .
Strategic vision, critical spirit, capacity for argumentation and work, with enthusiasm and initiative.
knowledge basic of new technologies.
And, dominance of the Spanish language .
If you would like additional information about the course, you can request it at administrative office of the School of Philosophy and Letters of the University of Navarra:
This course is offered biennially. The next edition will take place in 2025.
Price of the enrollment: 336,3€ (University of Navarra alumni have a 12% discount and large families an 8% discount. Not cumulative)
No. OF SPACES OFFERED: 100 students
The Focused Course of programs of study on Women, is a degree scroll of the University of Navarra. It is included in the so-called "Courses of training Superior".
Students who pass with a grade higher than 5 will obtain an Academic certificate given by the administrative office of the School of Humanities and Social Sciences.
The certified load professor shall be 5 ECTS credit credit.
The validation of the 5 ECTS credit credit of the course for ECTS credit credit corresponding to the official degrees taught by the University of Navarra is not automatic. It must be requested by each student through written request in their own centre or School.
The School of Humanities and Social Sciences will validate up to a maximum of 2 ECTS credit for this course as "Cultural Activities Office".
Patricia Carnero Álvarez
pcarnero@unav.esCentral Building
31009 Pamplona, Spain
+ 34 948 42 56 00
Extension: 802761