

These are the latest news published by School of Pharmacy and Nutrition: 

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09 | 11 | 2011

The School of Pharmacy welcomes the students of the high school diploma of 'The European Team Research Project'.

09 | 11 | 2011

Carmen Dios, accredited as full professor

ImagenManuel Castells

08 | 11 | 2011

The School of Pharmacy awards two extraordinary prizes of doctorate

ImagenManuel Castells

29 | 10 | 2011

Paul Nguewa will give a speech at lecture entitled 'research, health and development'.

26 | 10 | 2011

Two former students of Master's Degree E-Menu visit Cambridge


26 | 10 | 2011

A 5th year pharmacy student researches on cervical cancer at high school Karolinska


24 | 10 | 2011

Marta Cuervo, professor at Degree of Nutrition, participates in an international meeting together with 200 European experts.

21 | 10 | 2011

Professor Joaquín Giráldez receives the Joaquín Bonal Medal

ImagenManuel Castells

20 | 10 | 2011

A group of research of the University of Navarra participates in the European project HEPTAG Exchange


19 | 10 | 2011

Half a hundred pharmacy students at conference to introduce them to the working world.

ImagenManuel Castells