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Half a hundred pharmacy students at conference to introduce them to the working world.

The activity was attended by Mª Pilar García Ruiz, president of high school Official Pharmacists of Navarra.

19/10/11 09:20
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Image of the meeting on employment opportunities of the pharmacist. PHOTO: Manuel Castells

The School of Pharmacy of the University of Navarra organized its annual workshop introduction to the world of work, focused on the employment opportunities of the pharmacist. It was attended by 50 students of 5th year of Pharmacy and 6th year of the Double Degree of Pharmacy and Human Nutrition and Dietetics.

The session, coordinated by Cristina Martinez, manager of Professional Careers of the School of Pharmacy, began with a session on the spanish pharmacy residency program (Internal Resident Pharmacist) exam at position by Dr. Azucena Aldaz. Also, several experts explained each of the specialties of this exam.

María Pilar García Ruiz, president of the Official Pharmacists of Navarrahigh school addressed the topic of the pharmacy office as business own and introduced the students to the collegiality.

This was followed by a roundtable on master's degrees and financing, coordinated by Alfonso Vericat, manager de Promoción de la School.

Finally, Mª Jesús Moreno, Vice-Dean of research, detailed the role of research and doctorate in the pharmacist's degree program .



