

These are the latest news published by School of Pharmacy and Nutrition: 

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29 | 08 | 2014

University nutrition experts propose new treatment for obesity

TextoMiriam Salcedo

ImagenManuel Castells

22 | 08 | 2014

Grapefruit and helichrysum act against diabetes and obesity

TextoMiriam Salcedo

ImagenManuel Castells

14 | 08 | 2014

30% of Spanish schoolchildren are overweight or obese due to sedentary lifestyles

TextoMiriam Salcedo

ImagenManuel Castells

08 | 08 | 2014

Nere Sotil: "Nutritionists don't just set diets".

TextoMiriam Salcedo de Prado

01 | 08 | 2014

The Mediterranean per diem expenses and physical activity reduce the effects of menopause.

TextoMiriam Salcedo de Prado

ImagenManuel Castells

05 | 07 | 2014

José Calabuig: "A runner in the running of the bulls is a miniature athlete".

TextoMiriam Salcedo

ImagenManuel Castells

04 | 07 | 2014

Sports health expert claims that genetic doping could be possible

TextoMiriam Salcedo

ImagenManuel Castells

02 | 07 | 2014

Yogurt reduces the risk of becoming overweight or obese

TextoLaura Latorre


02 | 07 | 2014

The University hosts the XVI meeting of the Spanish Society of Nutrition.

TextoMiriam Salcedo

ImagenUniversity of Navarra

01 | 07 | 2014

The School of Pharmacy "introduces" itself to its prospective students

TextoMiriam Salcedo