El término de una búsqueda sin término. Karl Popper dialoga sobre la muertemateria_espiritu

Texts, articles and reviews under label: 'spirit'.

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VideoVulnerability. The depth and grandeur of the wounded body 

summaryToday's culture, which values appearance so much, has trouble understanding the greatness of a wounded body. The opening of a wounded body makes it possible to enter a world of deep relationships beyond equality, contractual, utility, duty or paternalism.
Author: Javier de la Torre Díaz

The contemporary desire for a technified salvation text

summaryAging must be seen in the context of the whole of human life. The current reductive vision does not see the natural purpose of corporeal life, and thinks that the physical aspect of man must be technically optimized, leading to a human void.
Authors: Jorge Martín Montoya, José Manuel Giménez Amaya

Download PDFSome considerations on the problematic relationship between brain and freedom

summaryThe purely scientific study of freedom faces internal contradictions derived from what science itself can achieve, which invalidate any attempt in that direction. A methodological solution is pointed out in order to adequately approach the problem.
Author: Juan Arana Cañedo-Argüelles

Faith and science: no more reasons for conflict

summaryReview of the alleged problems between faith and science (the supposed obscurantism of the Middle Ages, the Galileo case, evolutionism, the big bang and the existence of God, neuroscience and the spiritual, etc.). The conclusion is that these are avoidable misunderstandings.
Author: Gabriel Zanotti.

Psychology and Christianity: A goal-Model of the Person Video

summary: This seminar presents an integrated Catholic Christian goal-Model of the Person: a view that is informed by Christian faith and by reason and the psychological sciences. This better understanding of the person will enhance theory, research and practice in mental health.
Author: Paul C. Vitz

A biological theory of freedom

summaryReview by Juan Arana of the book Joaquín M. Fuster, Cerebro y libertad. Los cimientos cerebrales de nuestra capacidad para elegir (Barcelona, Ariel, 2016. 375 pp.); sample his explanation of human freedom, naturalistic but without scientific simplifications.
Author: Juan Arana.

Too much science gives back to God

summaryThe advances in physics lead many to believe that an ontological explanation of reality is not necessary. The testimony of the physicists who carried out these advances sample that only a scientifically poor vision leads to this conclusion.
Author: Ignacio Sols.

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Hasn't the notion of the soul become obsolete? 

summary: Basic questions concerning the concept of the soul: how it explains the peculiarities of living beings -structure, development, movement- and their unity, the peculiarities of the human soul and the enrichment of this concept in the Christian tradition.
Author: Santiago Collado

The will to love that makes a differenceDownload

summary: Human love sample characteristics that cannot be reduced to love that has biological utility; this love refers to the recognition of the intrinsic value of the human being, of his dignity, and can only be explained with spiritual categories.
Author: Marciano Escutia

Has the notion of the soul become obsolete?

summary: Synthetic description of the notion of the soul: the relationship with the living being acting and with its unity, the peculiarities of the human soul, the simplification of Cartesian dualism, the concept of the soul in the scientific sphere and the questions of method for its study.
Author: Santiago Collado

Pastoral aspects of the influence of science on contemporary culture

summary: In the context of the modern development of science, the paper rephrases the basic questions, which can be reduced to three. The first concerns the value of experimental science as knowledge of reality. The second concerns the power that science provides to dominate nature. And the third, to the possible relations between science and transcendence, which proves that they can be maintained within scientific progress.
Author: Mariano Artigas

Chomsky, human nature, language and the limitations of science and a complementary proposal inspired by C. S. Lewis

summary: summary on Noam Chomsky and his theories (Chomsky, linguistic scientist and socio-political activist, Chomsky and human nature, the limitations of science, the origin of language) and a possible way out of his naturalism, based on the work of C. S. Lewis (a liberating, rational and complementary proposal , the rise of the spirit, the fall of the spirit).
Author: Marciano Escutia

The soul

summary: Exposition of the ways of analysing reality (the subject, the form, the spirit and the subject, and a brief analysis of Christian doctrine.
Author: Juan Luis Lorda

The end of an endless search. Karl Popper discusses death

summary: Evolutionary explanations, conjectures and refutations, the open society, the self and its brain, science and spirit, are there ultimate answers, bibliography of Popper and about Popper.
Author: Mariano Artigas

Evolutionism, philosophy and Christianity. Henri Bergson died 50 years ago

summary: Brief biographical grade , creative evolution, Bergson and Spain, the mystics, vital tensions, truth, scientism, materialism and spiritualism.
Author: Mariano Artigas


summary: Article on the relationship between neurophysiology and consciousness.
Author: Amadeo Muntané Sánchez

Evolution today. Evolutionism: the fact and its implications.

summary: A commentary on the content of Ayala's book. It has the virtuality of exposing current theories although it is somewhat blunt in its scientific optimism, and leaves some important philosophical questions barely sketched out.
Author: Mariano Artigas

The four current worldviews

summary: Analogy and the fundamental levels of experience. Constructivist materialism. Vitalist naturalism. The whole as spirit. A personal universe: God and mankind. The drift of the enlightened mentality.
Author: Juan Luis Lorda