Plazas de aparcamiento alumnos


Listado de plazas de parking

List of parking spaces is not available available temporarily.


Car parks


At Campus of the University of Navarra there are different parking lots with different users. Some of them are exclusively for employees, others are for employees and students, and some are for visitors and users of sports center.

The Space Management Office is responsible for ensuring that the best possible use is made of the facilities, trying to avoid all subject incidents.

Charging stations for electric vehicles have been installed.

The Username who wishes to use any of them, should send an email to the address, indicating the data of the vehicle and Username. In a short period of time deadline will receive a reply with the instructions to follow in order to make use of the mentioned seats.

GestionEspacios_Aparcamientos_Desplegable_Parking ALMUNOS PAMPLONA

Student car parks:



  • Available at linkon the top right (schedule).

Users of the restricted parking areas are University faculty, staff and students.

In order for a Username to have access to these areas with a vehicle, it must have been registered beforehand.

The registration shall be effective as long as Username does not lose this status. Likewise, Username undertakes to send the vehicle to leave in the event that the vehicle is transferred, ceases to be used or, in general, loses its owner's authorisation to use it.

reservation The Space Management Office shall have the right to cancel the registration of any vehicle and shall duly notify Username.

Students may have up to two vehicles registered.

If you have any questions about this topic, please contact contact

  1. The parking lots are to facilitate the work and attendance to class, so they must be used at schedule and professor. Vehicles are not allowed to stay overnight in the parking lots.
  2. If the vehicle hits another vehicle, barriers, bollards, lampposts and other street furniture, an email should be sent to indicating the damage caused and datafrom contact. The incident will be analysed in order for the corresponding insurance company to repair the damage caused to the vehicle, or in the event that the safety installations (barriers and bollards) have not malfunctioned, for the repair of the University's installations and furniture.

Order and security are for the good of all, even if this means complying with rules and establishing sanctions in the event of inappropriate behaviour.

The penalty consists of the withdrawal of the parking permit for 15 days.

In all cases Space Management Office sends an email to Username indicating the reason for the sanction and the start and end date of the sanction.

Sanctionable conduct includes the following:

  1. Leave the vehicle DE student parked, in the rest of the parking lots, outside of schedule work. These are parking lots to facilitate the work and attendance to class. An e-mail will be sent on the first day and the second consecutive night or four alternate nights in a academic year, is sanctioned.
  2. Parking in spaces outside the existing spaces, or parking in reserved spaces "R", without having reservation. The first time a notice will be sent, and if the status is repeated, the corresponding sanction will be applied directly.
  3. Repeated forgetting of the cardaccess. By accessing a car parkwithout cardfive times within a period of 60 days, you will receive a notice. 
  4. Parking in spaces reserved for people with disabilities, with horizontal and vertical signs. Direct sanction.
  5. Leaving the university card to another person to gain access to a building or car park of restricted use. Direct sanction.
  6. Disregarding the instructions of the security guard. Direct sanction.
  7. Other situations: Causing damage to vehicles, bollards, barriers, etc, and not giving notice to Space Management Office or Campus Security. Speeding, going in the wrong direction, going off-road, not respecting traffic signs, etc. Direct sanction

The Space Management Office, thanks that if for any reason the vehicle must remain overnight (medical emergency, etc...) please send an email to or call 948 174448 indicating the reasons.

Any suggestions for improvement are welcome at subject and we apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Acceso al registro de vehículos para el uso de áreas de estacionamiento


Botón Registra tu vehículo