Of interest to the student
Classroom location plans
The location of the classrooms can be consulted at Campus in Madrid, at the following address link.
The headquarters can be reached by subway (recommended stop: Suanzes), from which the 104 takes you to the Ricardo Velázquez Bosco traffic circle.
From Suanzes you can also walk to the headquarters, along Alcalá Street and Avenida 25 de Septiembre (about 15 minutes).
From the Avenida de América interchange, the 114 stops at the door of the headquarters (less than 20 minutes).
From the Mar de Cristal metro station, the 104 (towards Ciudad Lineal) goes to the Ricardo Velázquez Bosco traffic circle.
Bus. Line 146 arrives from Callao to a stop before the Glorieta.
Lockers for daily use:
There are lockers in some buildings for daily use. for daily use.
The operation is very simple, and you are only requested to abide by the rules of rules rules of use,
so that we can all have storage space when needed.
Bicycles and Scooters
Bicycles and scooters.
The cycle lane responds to an increasingly widespread demand from people who want to use this means of transport. To facilitate the coexistence of pedestrians and cyclists, it is recommended:
Drive with caution and never exceed 20 km/h.
Be alert and pay special attention to crossings and pedestrian crossings. It is dangerous and can cause accidents if you do not brake completely when crossing the road.
Always remember to wear a helmet when riding.
When driving on pavements, remember that:
Do not drive faster than 10 km/h.
A minimum distance of 1.5 metres from pedestrians must be respected.
The University of Navarra makes bicycle storage areas available to students and employees in the vicinity of all buildings. For this reason, please do not use other items of street furniture (lampposts, signs, trees).
In the event that street furniture is used to lock the bicycle, the Campus Security may immobilise the bicycle with a chain and padlock. For the removal of the chain and padlock, please contact contact with the reception of the building closest to the place where the bicycle has been immobilised.
To prevent theft it is important to follow the following guidelines:
Replace quick-release fasteners with nuts.
Always lock your bike.
Use a rigid U-shaped padlock.
Tie the padlocks as high as possible.
If, despite the security measures taken, a burglary occurs, it is recommended that you notify staff security and go to porter of the nearest building. Subsequently, file a report with the police.