Obras en el Campus de Pamplona

Works in the Campus

Maintenance work on the Shrine of Our Lady of Fair Love of the Campus

Due to the maintenance work being carried out in the area around the Shrine of Our Lady of Fair Love of the Campus in Pamplona, we remind you that no large events or visits can be held at group. To date, a concrete pillar has been placed in the area of the altar and work is being done to consolidate the foundations of the site. 

The surroundings of the Shrine of Our Lady of Fair Love will remain fenced in order to carry out revision and maintenance tasks of this space. The access to the Shrine of Our Lady of Fair Love will be possible through the path that goes from Pío XII to the Belagua, and a perimeter will be maintained around the image of the Virgin for those who wish to visit it. high school Mayor Belagua, and a perimeter will be maintained around the image of the Virgin for those who wish to visit it. In addition, an alternative path has been installed on the slope parallel to the Olabidea for those who wish to visit it. high school Mayor Olabidea, for those who wish to access Pio XII from that area of campus.

The Works and Maintenance Department regrets any inconvenience that the maintenance work may cause.

Those who wish can make a virtual visit to the image of the Virgin through the webcam located in the Shrine of Our Lady of Fair Love, thanks to the donation of a former student of the University.